Fox attack

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   Hi guys I um. . . added  the clans to the allegiance. 😀 ~ wazup Williams

Only Fireflame's labored breathing sounded through the air. He was breathing heavily.
    "No. I can't do this. No." He cried turning around. "No."
    "Fireflame -"
    "No Berrytail! No. You don't know how it is to lose family. I'm scared. Okay? I'm scared." Fireflame cried.
    Berrytail hushed and he shot Cloudpaw some looks begging her to help.
    "Er. . . we need you. If we wait how many cats could die?" Cloudpaw mewed hoping that her words would get to him.
    "That's how my mother died. They waited. That's how your mother died. No one moved to  your mother or my mother or even Miley. " Fireflame whispered.
   "Well we can't wait. We don't want anyone to die do we?" Cloudpaw said and she spoke to him as if he was a kit.
    To her surprise, Fireflame began to sob. Cloudpaw could hear the sound of a kit squealing. The kit was in pain. She could tell by the voice. "Guys, there is a kit in pain. We have to go now." Cloudpaw mewed her eyes darkening.
      Fireflame looked at her with red eyes. Then the air was silent. She could smell the scent. "The kit is dead." She whispered.
    Fireflame sighed. "It's too late to go now." He whispered.
    "No. We can go now. It's never too late to do anything." Cloudpaw motivated.
   Fireflame lifted his head and sniffed. "Let's go."
   They ran into action. Berrytail tripped and fell and they to stop and wait for him. He licked his chest in embarrassment and they began to run again.
    The  sound of wailing cats grew louder and louder. The stench of fox grew sharper and Cloudpaw wrinkled her nose.
   Berrytail entered the camp first with Polo right behind him. Lilacpaw came right behind Polo and Cloudpaw came next with Fireflame at the rear.
    Fireflame had a strong fear scent coming from him.
   Cloudpaw stared in horror that was before her.
   So . . . much. . .  BLOOD
   Cloudpaw could see three foxes in total a vixen and two males one male barely an adult. Junipersmudge was lying on the ground in a tight ball his red fur matted in blood.
   Smallkit was lying dead on the ground with Damagekit bleeding out beside her.
   Many of the warriors were mainly attacking the bigger male fix because he was a bigger threat. Apprentices were attacking the young adult but the vixen went unsupervised.
   The vixen was attacking Adderbite, Leopardfosset, and Jumpingpaw.
    Cloudpaw let out a shrill and ran to her sister's side. Cloudpaw jumped on the vixen's back. The vixen snarled and turned around.  Cloudpaw slashed her across the muzzle. The vixen growled and shook her off.
   Cloudpaw fell off and her head banged on a rock. A sudden ringing flared through her ears. A sudden darkness took over.

   Cloudpaw looked around in the stars.
   "Hello?"she called. " Am I dead!?"
   "Summon Hailpaw."
Cloudpaw whipped around but no one was there. "Who?" She called into the starry sky.
   "The vision must always have a mind." A voice whispered.
   "Think : Hailpaw help me! And the hail shall help the clouds," a voice whispered.
  Cloudpaw's opened. Everywhere around her the foxes were still attacking. Fireflame was crouched on top of her hissing as the vixen threatened to come closer.
    Hailpaw help me! She screamed in her mind. She was scared. For herself, her clan, and Fireflame. He was bleeding on his chest and he was trying to scratch at the vixen.
  Who and where are you?
The voice wasn't her's. It was a male's voice. Um . . . I'm Cloudpaw. And I'm in Highclan. I really need your help.
     Okay I'll try to be there.
Thank you.

  Did she really just have a conversation with herself. Or was there a different cat she was actually talking to. All she knew was that this "Hailpaw" better hurry up.


Cloudpaw's sight ~ COMPLETED ~ A Warrior's FanficWhere stories live. Discover now