Chapter 1: Back Off To Work

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"Gladys will you leave the boy alone. He looks fine!" Daddy groaned as he watched Mama brush the imaginary lint off of my shoulders from my dark green uniform. "Awe, it ain't that bad, Daddy." I smiled.

"I just want to make sure he looks nice before he goes back." Mama sniffled back tears.

She always did this.

Every time she came to see me off, she dusted off my shoulders while bawling her little eyes out. The loud train whistles blew their last calls for passengers and I looked over at the entrance of a train as a man shouted for the last of the soldiers. "For goodness sake," Daddy complained, "He's gonna be late." Mama didn't respond, she just broke out in tears. I quickly gave her a comforting hug and she hugged back even tighter. "You be careful, Elvis." she warned.

"Yes, ma'am." I whispered. I pulled out from the hug and kissed her on the forehead and the back of her hand before giving Daddy a hug. "Get goin' boy." Daddy smiled, hitting my back slightly. I smiled as I pulled my bags from the ground; tossing one of them over my shoulder. I said my last goodbye to my family and got onto the train. Within seconds of me boarding, it took off.

I was greeted with familiar faces and cheers. "Welcome back, Elly, boy!" a kid, who was only two year younger than me called Gilbert, teased as he pushed his short brown curls back. "Hey ya, Gilly." I replied. I walked through a rousing crowed of young boys, who hollered and jumped around, to a more comforting and calm part of the train, where some boys played poker or chess; and where some were already asleep or who read. Everyone was dressed in the same dark green uniform.

"Well there he is!" a familiar voice catcalled. A wide smile made its way onto my face and I shook my head in amusement. It was Jerry Lee Lewis; a good friend of mine that I had met at boot camp. Jerry Lee, Red, Frank, and another kid James Dean were sitting in the back of the train with lit cigarettes and liquor bottles. I pushed my things onto an empty cabinet above some empty seats and sat next to the boys. "Glad to see ya again." Jerry Lee greeted. "Its always good to see, Elvis!" Red chuckled, mocking Jerry Lee. "Its good t'be back." I admitted. Jerry Lee, with a cigarette hanging from the side of his mouth, shuffled a deck of cards in his hands. "Aright you bastards," Jerry smiled, "How 'bout an old game of poker? Let's play for smokes." We all agreed and the game began. We used a small stool that, for some odd reason, sat in back of the train as a place to set the rest of the cards and the smokes we were betting for; our cards were held in our hands.

"Shit!" Red breathed, thinking no one heard, as he scanned over his hand of cards. I smirked and looked at my hand.

"Aright" Jerry Lee mumbled to himself as he gazed as his cards; probably tryin' to figure out a way to better his hand.

"I'll put in another ten." Frank made aware as he set two more smokes onto the small stool. "Feelin' lucky?" Jerry teased. Frank only chuckled at his comment. "Mph." Red groaned quietly. He made it too obvious that he had nothing to lay down.

"How's that girl of yours, Elvis?" Frank asked out of random. I shrugged as I picked up another card from the deck and placed in with the rest of my cards. "Fine, I guess. We broke up."

"Couldn't get her into bed, could ya?" Jerry Lee asked knowingly; he was skeptical. I sighed. "She wouldn't let me sleep with her until we were married." I huffed. "That's the problem with woman," Jerry Lee said seriously, exhaling smoke from his lips, "All they want is commitment. I'm tellin' ya right n'ah, once you get married things'll change. I mean sure you'll get t'sleep with her but nothin' will be the same. She'll be askin' all kinds of questions if you stay out late and shit like that. I'm tellin' ya, in the end that little beaver of hers won't even be worth it. Women become a different person when you marry 'em."

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