Chapter 12: The News of Today

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I was reading over a file when a young nurse with the name of  Audrey came in to tell me there was a patient who needed stitching. I closed the file and stood from my metal stool; preparing for the patient. I went over to the sink and washed my hands as I heard footsteps enter in behind me. "Sit on the bed, please." was all I said before drying my hands on a small, hand towel. "What seems to be the -" my words were stopped as I turned around to see that the patient was none other than Jerry Lee Lewis sitting on the heavenly white bed. "Jerry Lee," I beamed, "I'm surprised to see you here." He shrugged; tucking a cigarette in his mouth. "Well I'm surprised to be in here." he said honestly. I smiled sweetly and walked over to him. "Well since you're new in here, I'll give you the basics," I quickly pulled the cigarette away from his lips before he could lite it, "No smoking." He flashed me a sarcastic grin and then sat back on the head of the bed frame.

"Let me see your wound." I commanded. And just like that, he rolled up his sleeve to reveal a deep gash in his shoulder. It was then that I got all of the things I needed to a stitch up his arm and began to sew the cut.

"I swear," I huffed, "You boys get hurt training more than you do before actual war time." Jerry Lee chuckled at me. "Its the damn course runs," he complained, "Too much barbedwire if you ask me." I kept my eyes on his wound as I fixed him up, but replied with a smart remark. "That's why they don't ask you." Again, he chuckled at me. I finished sewing him up and cut the loose string that hung from his shoulder. "There. Good as new."

"Thanks, doc." he said playfully as he looked down at the stitching. "No problem." I smiled. He ran his finger tips over his wound and then looked up at me curiously. "What?" I inquired.

"I heard about the date... with Elvis." he said. I swear I nearly turned tomatoes red with embarrassment. I knew I had looked like a fool last night. How could I not have? I didn't want to talk about it and so I tried to get rid of Jerry Lee. "Well, I'm glad you can hear," I said bitterly, "Looks like your all better. You can show yourself out." I turned away from him with the sewing objects in my hand, and began to put them back where they belonged.

"Elvis didn't kiss her, y'know," his southern accent spoke from behind me; causing my actions to become stiff. "She kissed him," he continued," - She's always been trouble to Elvis... But, what's new?" I slowly turned to face him and raised an eyebrow. "If you don't mind me asking," I spoke carefully, "What happened between them?" Jerry Lee smirked and looked past me as if looking into the memory itself as he began to reminiscence. "What didn't happen between them," he said, " - They met back when Elvis first joined the military... They were young and fell for each other. Only thing was, Elvis fell a little more in love with her than she had for him... A year after they had been together, Liz was recruited to Hawaii to help train new nurses at the base over there. She told Elvis that she loved him and that she'd write. They even promised each other that no matter what would happen they'd always come back to each other. Little did he know, she wasn't intending to keep any promises to Elvis much."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

Jerry Lee sat up straight and continued.

"I guess Liz was secretly in love with Red... She kept writin' 'im while she was in Hawaii; askin' him not to tell Elvis what she had told him. You see, she had stopped writing Elvis months ago, but kept on sending letters to Red about how much she loved him and wanted him. So Red, bein' Elvis's best buddy, let's him know what Liz was doin'. So Elvis writes to Liz and says he knows what she's been doin'. She never writes back, but we all know damn well she got the letter. Long story short, they never spoke again and eventually she stopped writing letters to Red. Elvis hasn't been able to forgive her since."

I felt completely heartbroken for Elvis. He was so hurt by her. I mean, who had the nerve to do that? Go after your partners best friend is so idiotic! I began to feel a bit of empathy for Elvis. I can't imagine what it would be like... I didn't say anything to Jerry Lee... How could I? I felt like a fool for just walking out on Elvis without letting him explain. And now that I realized he thinks I'm just like Liz is terrible! He thinks I've broken his heart just like her!

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