Chapter 3: The Red Head in the Corner

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*Elvis's POV*

Frank! Frank! Frank! Everyone chanted as Frank downed three glass fulls of beer in less than five minutes. After the last glass was slammed down onto the bar counter, everybody cheered. Me and a few others patted a very buzzed Frank on the back. He laughed in victory and held his arms up like a champion. I sat back and laughed as Frank took in the compliments like he was smoking cigarettes. "Want another, E?" Red shouted over the crowd; handing me a beer. "Thanks." I shouted back. I took a drink and looked around at the scenery of the place. It was extremely loud with laughter and music as everyone celebrated our return.

"Elvis!" Jerry Lee called, grabbing my shoulder. "You see them nurses?"

"Where?" I asked as I looked out to the crowd. "Right there!" he pointed out. Instantly, I looked in the direction he was pointing near. My breath caught in my throat as a group of nurses walked in; looking curious and innocent. And, boy, could it drive a man wild. My eyes were stuck on a red head who followed behind a blonde lady. They were giggling and whispering to each other. "Ain't they somethin'!" Jerry Lee cooed. I nodded with a smile, keeping my eyes on that beautiful girl who had fair skin and gentle eyes of grey. "I bet you won't ask one of 'em for a dance though?" Red challenged Jerry Lee. Jerry, being the daredevil he is, winked and jumped up from his seat and raced over to one of the girls. She had dark black hair and lips as red as cherries. Within seconds he was dancing with her as if they had known each other for years. I chuckled to myself as Jerry Lee spun the girl around. "Man," Red said, "She sure is beautiful." I could tell he was talking about the blond girl who looked like she could be a model. "Why don't y'go talk to her?" I suggested, but he shook his head in protest. "Oh, no. I'm fine." he said nervously. "Oh, c'mon, Red," I said, "Just go say hi." Red blushed and took a swig of his beer, still in protest. "I'll go with ya." I offered and his eyes flicked over to me quickly. "You'd do that?" he asked, surprised. "Sure," I shrugged. I hit him playfully on the shoulder as we stood up and made our way over. I guess I wanted to help out Red, but I wanted to see that little red headed girl even more. Man, she was beautiful.

Before we could even say a word to the girls they were giggling and looking us up and down as we stood broadly in our uniforms. If I didn't know Red had gotten his nickname from his hair, I would have guessed he had gotten it from his face. He was flushing as he stared at the blonde he instantly came to adore. "Can I help you boys?" She smiled, eyeing both of us promiscuously. "W-well, I-I -" I quickly interrupted the stuttering Red before he embarrass himself even more. "We just came to ask if you ladies would like to join us for a drink." I looked over at the cute red head and she looked up at me. "We'd be honoured if you said yes." I smiled, keeping eye contact with her. She blushed and looked away from me. "Is that right?" the blonde smirked, looking at Red like she were a starving lion and he were a small deer. Red cracked a nervous smile and nodded. " Well may I know who you two strangers are?"

"This is Red West," I introduced, gesturing a nod to Red who was shaking like a puppy, "And I'm Elvis Presley. And you are?" The girl was hesitant for a moment but finally spoke up.

"Marilyn. Marilyn Monroe." she beamed, keeping her eyes to Red. "And we'd love to have a drink with you fellas," she giggled. She entwined her arm with Red's and led him back to the bar. "Hi." I smiled down at the beautiful woman in front of me. "Hi." she responded, shyly. "Would you -" Before I could ask the mysterious girl, I've had my eye on to join us, James walked in; quickly standing between me and the girl. "This place is bitchin'!" he exclaimed excitedly. The girl smirked at James Dean, who looked like he had never been at a party before. Wow, she had a great smile. "Yeah, Dean. Its great." I said with a hint of sarcasm. "Hey let's go get some drinks, yeah?" James beamed. I looked back over at the girl as she grabbed her purse and walked out. I looked back at Red who was completely under whatever spell Marilyn casted upon him, and then looked back at James Dean. "Maybe another time," I said, "Go drink with Red and Jerry Lee." I slightly pushed my way through the rest of the nurses and walked out of the bar; chasing after the beauty that had escaped. She was only a few feet away from the bar. Her peach coloured dress swayed with the breeze, along with her hair. "Hey!" I called after her. She look at me from over her shoulder, as she kept walking, and gave me an odd look. "Me?" she questioned. "You're the only one out here, little Red." I chuckled. She stopped and turned around, letting me catch up to her. "Did I leave something behind?" she asked innocently. "You just left before I could ask to buy you a drink." I chuckled. "Well its a little too late for that." she insisted. "We can always go back." I suggested with a shrug of a shoulder. She shook her head and cleared her throat. "I uh - no, thanks. I'm not much of a drinker to be honest."

"Well," I sighed, "We can always do something else." She raised an eyebrow and her face cringed. "I am a lady!" she said with offense. I couldn't help but laugh. "No!" I laughed, "I meant we can always go somewhere besides the bar." She blushed at her misunderstanding and, finally, she let a smile slip. "Right," she mumbled. "Whadda ya say?" I asked, but she denied the offer. "No, thanks," she said, "I'm a little tired. Besides, I was raised to never go anywhere with a stranger."

"I'm Elvis. Elvis Presley," I introduced, holding out my hand. She looked down at my open hand suspiciously and then looked up at me. "Well, Elvis," she began, "Just because you told me your name doesn't mean your no longer a stranger." A chuckle vibrated through my chest. "Ya must not have a lot of friends with that attitude of yours, darlin'." She smirked, "Good night, Mr. Presley."

"Your not even gonna tell me your name?" I shouted after her as she walked away. She turned around and smiled, walking backwards. "Ann." she shouted back. "Just 'Ann'?" I asked comically. She giggled and turned back around, disappearing underneath the shadows of the setting sun.

"Ann..." I whispered to myself softly. I never wanted to forget that name in a million years. That girl was something special; I could feel it.


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