Chapter 15: Dreary Was She

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*Ann's POV*

"You have to take your medicine." I scolded the soldier for the thousandth time. He kept pretending to take it and tossed it out of the window or "accidentally" spilling it some place. This time I was smart and was determined to give him the medicine myself. "Open up." I told him. He grimaced at the gooey purple liquid and shook his head like a child. "If you don't take this, I promise I will -" Before I could finish my threat, I was interrupted by the force of the door opening. An Italian nurse rushed in looking around the room in a panic before her eyes found me. "Ann!" she spat quickly, "Two men have been fatally wounded, we need you're help in surgery." Surgery? I had never been called to the surgery station before. And though it seemed odd that the doctor would need my help during surgery, I didn't protest against it. I sat the small spoon of medicine on the injured soldiers nightstand and told him to take it as I rushed out of the room.

I was led down the hall where the surgery was to be taken place, but when I got there... something was wrong. Unlike any other time, there were a small group of nurses waiting around the door. And in that group, my eyes had caught Marilyn and Hedy; Marilyn standing right next to the door, biting her finger nails, and Hedy sitting on the bench that alined the wall. I rushed over to them with furrowed brows and questioning look. "What's everyone doing here?" I asked them. Hedy and Marilyn looked at me as if I were a ghost. There was thick fear in their eyes and a sadness was painted on over their eyes. Hedy stood from her seat and opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. "Are you alright?" I asked her; sewing as she couldn't talk.

"You shouldn't be over here." Marilyn suddenly said to me, "You're supposed to be with the soldiers in their room."

"But I was called over," I explained, "The nurse said -" Marilyn cut me off by grabbing me by the wrist and saying, "Screw what that nurse said! This isn't your station, Ann. You could get into trouble!" And before she had the chance to pull me away, another group of nurses came rushing through our small group with a gurney in their grips. But the person on the gurney was what caught me off guard... There he was; so lifeless, so helpless. His uniform was filled with blood and his once tanned skin was now an ice pale. I didn't even think about what I was doing, I was so lost.

I grabbed onto the gurney before it could pass me by, and stared down at the man I once knew to be full of life. "Elvis?" my voice quivered from my lips. "Let go!" a nurse shouted at me. She tried to push me away but I became hysterically. "Elvis?!" I shouted; tears taking over my eyes. I gripped the collar of his uniform in my fists and tried to bring reality into the light. And the more I tried, the more I realized it wasn't a dream. Marilyn and Hedy quickly pried me off of him as I began to sob. "Let me go!" I cried, "That's Elvis! Its Elvis!" I began to try and fight my way out of Hedy and Marilyn's grip, but it was no use. Soon other nurses were holding me back and trying to tell me to calm down. But they didn't understand. That man in there meant something to me.

"Someone please!" I continued in weeps, "Elvis! Elvis!" A new nurse pushed her way to the crowd to me. I thought she was going to save me and help me get to Elvis but the moment I noticed the needle in her hand, the moment I began to try to get away from her. But the crowd had gotten to big around me, and she was able to stick the needle right in my shoulder; pressing the liquid into my blood stream. I continued to fight my way away from the crowd and cry for Elvis, but soon everything fell hazy, and then hazier, and hazier; until I fell into darkness.

Two Hours Later:

I blinked the darkness from my eyes as I awakened. I could hear a woman's mumbling, but I could hardly pay attention as my head began to pound. My vision was quite hazy and I felt sick to my stomach. It was as if I had a hangover.

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