Chapter 7: Swing and Jealousy

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Swing music. That's the only thing that I could hear as Elvis led me farther out to the other side of the base. It was a dark at night and I felt unwelcome as the different coloured people looked at me as if I didn't belong; to which I didn't. However, smiles were thrown at Elvis making me believe he'd been over here before. We came closer to the source of the swing music. It was belting out from a club that was bright and beautiful; you could feel the energy of the people from miles away. Though, it was scary for me; with Elvis and I being the only noncoloured people around. Before Elvis could enter the wild building, I grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "Elvis..." I trailed off. He looked at me curiously until realizing why I was acting so odd. "They ain't what you think." he said. I was hesitant as he took my hand. "Ain't nothin' scary about a little colour." He winked and then led me inside. And, my, was it mad. The music and attire were completely different from ours. The music was loud and made everyone move like they'd die if they didn't dance. Mostly everyone in the club were on their feet. Again, it was absolutely amazing, but I was still afraid. I couldn't take the pressure and I turned to Elvis quickly. "Take me back to my dorm." I commanded pleadingly. "We just got here," Elvis argued, "Trust me, we're fine." I let out a sigh and scooted closer to Elvis; not wanting to get kidnapped or something. The closer I was to him, the safer I felt.

Elvis led me to a booth in the back and ordered us a couple of drinks; even when I told him over twenty times that I don't drink. I couldn't help but notice how comfortable he was. It was as if this was his home and he had come to relax. It was so natural for him. He was obviously a people person. It was almost admiring; almost. "So," I said, "You've been here before?" He kept his eyes on the band, but nodded to my response. "Once or twice, yeah," he beamed, "Its real slick."

"Yes. Its very... loud." I said; trying to use it as a compliment. Elvis ignored me, though. I couldn't tell if didn't reply because he thought I was simple minded or if he was just into the music.

I took a sip of my frost cold beer and cringed. Yuck.

I would look at Elvis every now and then, feeling awkward. He was more focused on the band then me. Not that I wanted the attention; I just thought it was rude to pull me out of my comforting alone time and then bring me to some swing gig just to ignore me. "Sooo," I sighed, "You're a fan of this type of music?" Elvis, for the first time since we'd gotten here, looked at me with a genuine grin. "Oh, yeah," he smirked, "All of 'em are great singers, but I come here for Ray Charles. He's a genius." I scrunched my eyebrows; clueless. "Who?" He gestured a nod to the colored man who was wearing dark black sunglasses. The man was being led to the piano by another. "He's blind." I thought aloud. Elvis nodded. "He sure is," he confirmed, "Plays the piano real mean, though." I couldn't help but laugh. Elvis raised an eyebrow in response to my sudden outburst. "What's so funny?"

I settled my laughter and shrugged, as it was obvious why I had laughed. "A blind man can't play the piano!" I exclaimed comically, "That's absurd."

"Well, Ray Charles ain't just some blind man," Elvis said, "He's absolutely brilliant. Watch." I turned to the blind man and smirked. A blind man playing the piano? What a joke! I thought.

I was absolutely flabbergasted as Ray began to play a swing tune from his piano. My mouth fell open; agape. "Impossible..." I breathed. I heard Elvis chuckle. I think he said something but I couldn't pay attention. I was absolutely mesmerized by this so called Ray Charles. Elvis was right; this man was amazing. And not only could he play the piano, he could sing!

*Elvis's POV*

I couldn't help but chuckle at Ann. How shallow to the world she was. Of course, it wasn't uncommon for people to be shallow in times like these, but little did she know. This world and the people in it were amazing; no matter the color, shape, or size. Hopefully other people would wake up and see the same way, I do.

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