Chapter 8: Goodnight

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"Hey, hey, hey!" Elvis called as he pulled his wrist from my grip; causing both of us to stop in the middle of the empty street. "Slow down, Little Red." he smiled, "What happened back there?" I smirked in disbelief. "How dare you," I seethed. He looked completely lost and confused. "How dare you even think to question me!" I shouted, "You want to know what happened? You brought me to a place where we didn't belong, you hardly even acknowledged me, and then you left to cater to a bunch of brainwashed girls who only want to sleep with you!" Elvis raised an eyebrow and let a smug smile slip. "Well if you were just jealous, why didn't you say so?"

"Jealous?" I scoffed, "Oh, please! Don't make me laugh!" Elvis crossed his arms over his chest and took a step closer to me. "Awe, c'mon, darlin'. Don't pretend you weren't." I took a step back from him and mimicked his stance. "I'm not pretending anything," I said, "I wasn't jealous. There's nothing to be jealous of." Elvis held his hands behind his back and rocked on his heels. "Unless..." he said; trailing of with a shy smile. "Unless what?" I snapped. He leaned close to me; forcing his face into mine. "You like me." he teased. I groaned and rolled my eyes at him. Of course he would think that. He was a jerk!

I turned away from him and began to walk away. "Your impossible." I threw at him. He smirked and walked along side me. Sadly, the entire way back to my dorm, he was naming off all of the reasons why I was jealous. I only gave him reasons why I wasn't and by the time we got to my dorm we were in a heated argument about how jealous I was or wasn't.

"You're an idiot!" I shouted.

"Will you stop bein' so damn hard headed!" he shouted back, "Why can't you just admit that you were jealous? Everyone gets jealous!"

"Elvis, I wasn't jealous! I don't even have feelings for you!"

"Oh, sure," he smirked with sarcastic words. "And your hair ain't red either." I chuckled in an angry disbelief at how idiotic he was! He boiled my blood and all I wanted was for him to go away! How could he even think such a thing? I was a classy lady and he was a wild boy who sucked the life out of innocent woman and whatever else came along. I was better than that. If only there was a way I could prove I didn't like him... And that's when I got it.

"I'll prove it to you! I'll prove that I don't like you." I challenged. Elvis chuckled at me as if I were some small little puppy. "Alright, Little Red," he mused, "How are you gonna prove it?" I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and yanked him towards me; crushing his lips with mine. Surprisingly, his lips were soft and sweet as I pulled him closer. At first, he was completely thrown off and hesitated to kiss back. But it wasn't long before his lips were at it with mine. He placed his hands on my waist and pulled our bodies closer together; biting my lip seductively. I kissed him one last time and then pushed him off with heavy breath.

"See?" I panted, "Nothing. I don't feel a thing." Elvis watched me closely with a new curiosity in his eyes. It was a look that I had never seen on him before. I ran my hands down my dress, nervously. "Good night, Mr. Presley." I said snobbishly before racing inside. Luckily no one was home to see what had just happened. I leaned back on the door with a jump in my chest. It was ...strange. Something felt strange.

*Elvis's POV*

I stood there with her kiss lingering on my lips. That. Was. Amazing. I swear I'm in love. That kiss was all I needed to confirm it. She had me wrapped around her finger like I knew she'd get me. If she didn't feel a thing for me, she had a funny way of showin' it. Oh, man, it was perfect. Her lips were so soft and they had a taste of honey and heaven. I kicked a rock and blushed as I shoved my hands in my pockets. "Good night, Little Red." I whispered to the door and then made off to my dorm. And the entire time I was walking, I had a smile on my face. I walked slow and embraced the beauty of the night. Everything seemed so clear and perfect. Her kiss was still playing in my mind like my favorite movie.

When I got to the empty dorm, I hummed my way to my room with absolute bliss. I pulled out my key from my pocket and unlocked my door. "Elvis?" I heard a voice call. I turned to the person who was striking halfway out of their room that was two doors down. "Well hi'ya, Frank," I greeted kindly, "Beautiful night isn't it?" He raised an eyebrow and leaned against the wall. "You sleep with some girl?" he asked. I chuckled and shook my head. "No, no," I admitted, "Nothin' like that... What happened to goin' to the party?"

Frank shrugged and then stood up properly. "I have drinks here. I thought I'd write a little music; maybe drink a little Scotch. I'm not in much of the partying mood."

"I hear ya," I agreed, "Well, goodnight, Frank." He told me goodnight and went back into his room as I entered mine. I kicked off my shoes and fell onto my bed. I could hear Frank's guitar playing and singing through the walls. It only echoed because the entire dorm was completely empty aside from us. And it was real nice y'know? It was real relaxing. All I could think about was Ann, and Frank's music suited the moment. Soon I was drifting off to sleep.

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