Chapter 2: Home

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The main hall building stood tall; and inside it was pure white marble. Once you opened the door and stepped inside there was a long corridor. On the walls were pictures of various newspaper articles that spoke about wars we've won; each in its own frame and the enemies flag in between every one of them. After the corridor was another all glass door, and behind it was a wide room that cut itself off with dark green carpet. The room was a giant circular shape, and in the middle of it were a great variety of chairs. On its walls were metals, awards, similar articles, and flags of each nation they've beaten. Red and I came a bit surprised to find we were not late but earlier than expected. Minutes after we decided to take a seat in the front of the room, groups of new soldiers came in; taking a seat of their choice.

A hand fell on Red's shoulder. We both turned around as the curly haired Jerry Lee knelt down. "Why, hello boys." he smiled mischievously. Red chuckled, "Get settled in alright, Jerry Lee?"

"Yes sir. Them rooms are nicer than last time we was here." Jerry jumped over a chair and sat next to me. Frank made his way in and sat by Red; pulling out a pack of smokes from a front chest pocket that sat on his uniform. And with a match from the other, lite his cigarette; shoving the two packs back into that same chest pocket.

"Days goin by slow." Frank said with an exhale of smoke. Red nodded, "Tell me about it. Rooms are nice though, I can say that much." James Dean was the last to make his way in. He sat by Frank.

"Gimme one of them smokes," Jerry Lee said to Frank. Frank did just that and offered the rest of us but we denied. We were all wrapped around different conversations about different things but of course it led back to the nurses. I hadn't seen any of 'em yet but the boys told me how beautiful they were. Jerry Lee even told the boys and me his experience with one of the girls during his physical. "I swear she was eyeing me like you won't believe," Jerry Lee gloated as the rest of us listened with smiles of amusement. "So I went up to her and pretended I was hurt, y'know? She asked where. 'On my back,' I said, groaning and all that. So I let her take my shirt off because, I mean, she was basically undressin' me with her eyes, so I gave her somethin' t'look at. Next thing I know, we're in the back of the hospital in some closet having sex against a mop. Ended up gettin' my foot stuck in a bucket." We laugh hysterically but we were obviously impressed. "You always have some wild story!" Red exclaimed.

Suddenly Jerry Lee's cigarette was ripped away from his mouth, and all of our eyes shot up at what seemed to be a high ranked soldier. "Yes," the man seethed with sarcasm, "Such the ladies man it seems." We all looked a bit shocked and embarrassed as the man knelt down to our seated level, looking at Jerry Lee. "No smoking in the main hall." He crushed the cigarette in his hand and let it go in a small bin not too far from where he was standing. "Alright, shut the hell up, ladies." The overly confident man now stood in front of the room silencing all of the men that he stood before. He gave a slight grin, "That's more like it." He pulled his hands behind his back, showing off the metals on his chest. "I hope you've all settled in well because this is where your going to be for the next year and a half as you train for moments in the future. I'm Sergeant Timothy Garfield. For those of you who have been here before; welcome back." There was a slight smile on his face before he slapped it off and spoke again. "And for you pathetic amateurs... beware." He gave a very long and tedious speech about rules and regulations for the new comers and then passed out vanilla coloured sheets that we found to be our schedule. It wasn't odd to have one; we always did. I had been here for almost four years and I knew the place and all it came with like the back of my hand. We were dismissed after the very long meeting, and we were free to do what ever we wanted for two days before training started. There was supposed to be a welcome back party for the soldiers at the bar that night, so as the sun set Jerry Lee, Red, Frank and I decided to grab drinks at the near by bar, while James Dean decided to get some sleep.

*Ann's POV*

I folded blankets and set them in a small tin cabinet, shutting it afterwards. The hospital seemed completely quiet as it was the first day back to work, and my first day here. I had worked out on the Germany base for two years and I had been transfered here as America needed more nurses and decided to take their nurses back. Being American myself I was pulled back home. "Please tell me you aren't in here working, still." Marilyn, a bleach blonde beauty who wore a dark red coloured dress, sighed. She was the first girl I met here and she was sweet. Quickly we became friends, and she became my mentor. "Someone has to make sure it looks nice." I mumbled. "Ann," she groaned, "We have two days before preparation. Let's go have some fun!" I shook my head nervously, causing my red hair to move onto my shoulders. "I'm fine." I insisted as I walked over to a bed and slid my hands down it to take out all the wrinkles. Marilyn rolled her little blue eyes and crossed her arms as she said, "I hope you don't plan on being shy the entire two days." I laughed and looked up at her. "I am not shy." "Then let's go out!" she commanded. "But -"

"But nothing!" she interrupted, "Let's get you out of that stupid nurse uniform and into something more comfortable."

She grabbed me by the arm and began to pull me out of the room. "Where are we going?" I asked. "The bar!" she exclaimed with excitement. I wasn't one for drinking but, whatever I could do to get her to stop nagging, I suppose.

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