Chapter 5: Not A Date

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Silence. That was the only thing that stood between Ann and me. It was painful and awkward. Every time I would try to start a conversation, the red headed gal would just nod along or give a short answer. I understood if she didn't want to be here, but halfheartedly ignoring me and barley speakin' was a little too odd. It kinda hurt. But again, I didn't want to give her up so quickly. I was going to get the girl to open up to me no matter what it had to take. I barley knew her, and yet she was so special to me.

"Ya know," I began as Ann examined the buildings, "If I woulda known you were so quiet I would've asked you to come watch a movie with me. Part of  the reason why I had asked you on the walk was so I could talk to you." Ann raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms over her chest. "And what is it you wanted to talk about, Mr. Presley?" she asked stiffly. "Elvis is fine," I insisted, "Only my father gets called Mr. Presley." She hid the smirk that threatened to expose itself onto her face, and cleared her throat. "What is it you wanted to talk about, Elvis." she emphasized as if she were mocking me playfully. I shrugged, "Doesn't matter. Anything really; as long as I get to talk to you." I could've sworn I saw a slight blush in her cheeks as her face softened. "I don't talk much..." she mumbled, looking down at her slow moving feet. "I couldn't even tell." I joked sarcastically. Finally, she let that beautiful smile of hers break free, and my heart was ready to rip through my chest as the glow of that girl.

Slowly her smile faded as she looked at me for the first time since we started walking around. There was a look in her eyes that was of guilt; I could easily see it. I just couldn't understand why she would feel guilty. There was nothin' to feel bad about. We were just walkin'.

"What's wrong?" I asked; sincere. Ann forced a grin and shook her head, looking back out to the view of streets and tall buildings in front of us. The silence was beginning to thicken but I wasn't going to fall back down to the same place we were once in. I needed to know her.

"So, uh... You're a nurse?" I inquired. "Yes," she answered with an actual slight interest in the topic. "I've never seen you around before," I said, "Were you recruited else where?"

"Yeah," she said, "Germany actually. I had been transfered as soon as I volunteered."

"Your a volunteer nurse?" I asked, surprised. But she shook her head; letting her hands fall to her sides. "I was for two years and then after going to school, it became my job." A genuine smile made its way onto her pink lips. "I love it."

"What made you wanna be a nurse?" I asked curiously.

"My daddy was a soldier," she explained, "He always said that it was best to give back to your country, rather than to take from it... I decided I wanted to be a nurse when he was killed in war. I know very well that the men who fight for our country are brave men. I thought I could assist them and the country by healing the soldiers that were hurt or ill." Her story was truly inspiring. She knew what she wanted and she went after it. She wasn't selfish or cruel. It just made her even more beautiful.

"Wow," I said; almost stunned, "Your daddy was a wise man. Your right where you belong, little Red." She looked up at me and nodded. "I think so, too... Anyways... Why'd you get into the military, Mr. Presley?" I gave her a sharp look and she rolled her eyes. "Elvis." she contradicted. "Much better," I winked playfully and then got back on track to the subject before. "Well," I sighed, "I always like the idea of fightin' off the bad guys and bringin' glory and freedom to the country. I guess I just always wanted to be the hero..."

"And its appreciated," Ann said, "You're a brave man, Mr - Elvis." I chuckled and shook my head; she too couldn't help but giggle at her constant mistake. "Hey," I began as the small laughter fell into silence, "Do you maybe want to grab somethin' to eat or -" Before I could even finish my sentence she interrupted me. "Oh, no," she said, crossing her arms again, "Thank you, Elvis, but - I really should be getting back. A friend of mine isn't feeling too well. She probably needs me as we speak." I smirked and tucked my hands into my pockets, "A nurse can't handle herself?" It was a joke but Ann hardly even smiled at it. "She's my best friend." was all little Red pleaded with. I nodded in understanding and then decided to walk her back to her building.

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