Chapter 16: A Miracle in the Morning

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The air was crisp as another night slowly passed by. I had just finished tucking in the other soldiers for bed when I walked over to Elvis's bed. He laid there, so cold and pale. And though it had been going on week two, he still hadn't moved a muscle. Truthfully, I was slowly beginning to lose hope that he would wake up. Unfortunately, Red wasn't doing any better. He was practically a vegetable. Which always made me thankful that Elvis was able to breathe on his own. Marilyn was trying her best to act like nothing was wrong. And everyday she would smile and laugh, and even flirt with the soldiers we had to care for. If you mentioned Red to her, she would easily change the subject after saying that "he will be fine". She had everyone fooled that she was perfectly fine. And she would have had me fooled too if I didn't hear her sobbing in her room every night. I even peaked in on her to find her crying as she laid on her bed, cuddling a picture of Red. Yet, she never went to see him. I knew why. Obviously things were too difficult to handle for her. How could you blame her? It was obvious that Red might not make it. Then again, no one was too sure Elvis would either.

I pulled up a chair beside Elvis' bed and took my seat like I always had. I watched his still body as he just laid there. No movement, no words. Just painful silence and blank staring. I set back in my chair and crossed one leg over the other; never letting my eyes fall from him. It's as if I was almost too afraid look away, thinking that if I did, something would happen to him. It was fair to say that I missed him. Even though Elvis was here, he wasn't really here. I felt heartbroken watching him lay there every night. I missed his deep blue eyes, his bright smile.

The sound of soft clicking against the white tiled floor began to grow close to me. "How is he?" I heard a voice inquire. It was a familiar voice; a voice that almost made me cringe. I finally pulled my eyes from Elvis and looked up at his ex-lover Elizabeth Taylor. She carefully stood beside me as she looked down at Elvis. Her face was white, as if she'd just seen a ghost, and her expression was one of regret and fear. I would know because I had the same look when I first seen Elvis rushed in to surgery. Answering her question I simply, softly said, "He's alive." I averted my eyes back over to Elvis in the process as she moved closer to him.

"Do you think he'll live?" She asked. Her diamond blue eyes never leaving him nor blinking. She was in shock. "I hope so..." I said, "I believe he can make it. He's a strong man." Elizabeth nodded. "That he is." She mumbled. Elizabeth turned to me and sighed. "The other nurses say you've been with him for weeks now... I guess you really love him." Love. I didn't know if I loved Elvis. I hadn't thought about my feelings for him. My true feelings for him. Obviously I cared about him and a big part of me needed him to survive, but when you meet someone that's what happens. You learn to care about them and appreciate them, and I did with Elvis. I shrugged. "Elvis and I are just friends..." I said with a huff. "What does it matter to you if I love him or not anyway?" A grin curled onto her prefect cherry colored lips. "I guess it doesn't." She said before letting out a small chuckle. Though, her lips soon fell back into a frown. "I hope he lives..." Elizabeth said quietly, "There are things that I've done to him that I have yet to truly apologize for. If he ever left I'd..." She paused, suddenly choking up as tears rose to her eyes. She took a moment to hold back the tears before speaking again. "I could never live with myself. I suppose this whole situation is a lesson for all of us, isn't it?" I didn't reply to her, but I knew she was right. I'd treated Elvis something awful. Even with our last encounter ending in a kiss, I hadn't actually ever apologized for being somewhat of a prude. He'd tried to be sweet to me and I'd been a bit rude... hadn't I? I'm not saying I'm in love with him or that I'd jump into a relationship with him once he woke up, but I know now that I truly do care for him. I had never worried about anyone so much in my life. He really meant something to me; whether it was as a friend or lover, it didn't matter.

Elizabeth leaned down and placed a soft, lingering kiss upon Elvis' cheek before whispering to him a "Good night" and walking out.

I scooted my chair closer to Elvis's bedside and ran my fingers gently through his dark hair. "Please wake up... Please." I whispered. I was tired of the long, sleepless nights just sitting and watching him lay there helpless. I was exhausted. I leaned forward and rested my head on his chest, facing away from him. Tears threatened to let loose from my eyes and I couldn't help but to do so. I hadn't cried since the day Elvis and Red were rushed in to surgery, and truthfully it felt good. I raised my arms and clung to him. Sooner than later, I cried myself to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2016 ⏰

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