Chapter 10: Not as Planned

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"Will you stop messing with my hair!" I nagged; slapping Hedy's hand away from my head. Every five seconds that woman was trying to fix up my hair when absolutely nothing was wrong with it; apparently, she thought it was too plain. "Let me just curl it!" she begged, "It needs something, Annie!" Marilyn, of course, kept agreeing with all of Hedy's ideas of different ways to do my hair and the ideas of what I should wear; though, I was completely fine wearing my dark pink dress with my thumbnail stilettos. "I'm fine!" I kept telling them. "Honey, you need a make over!" Marilyn forced as her and Hedy followed me from the restroom to my bed room. "A makeover?" I exclaimed, "I am fine!" Hedy grabbed my arm and forced me to face her and Marilyn; stopping me from running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

"Listen here, Ann," she said rudely, "We're going to give you a makeover and you're going to like it! Now go!" She pushed me into the hallway and I was completely taken back by her actions. "No!" I shouted, "I don't have time! Elvis will be here in less than five minutes!" Marilyn and Hedy, in unison, grabbed my arms and pulled me into Marilyn's room. "We'll make it fast." she promised. After a few moments of struggling from their grip, I gave in. Hopefully Elvis was patient.

*Elvis's POV*

I ran a hand down my shirt nervously and took in a deep, quivering breath before knocking on the door. I was tightly gripping the bouquet of fresh dark red roses. I had never been so nervous to take a girl out. I was always so good with things like this. I always knew what to say and how to say it, but Ann made me feel so different from all of the rest. Maybe it was because I've never felt like this, or maybe it was 'cause she was a tough nut to crack; either way I was hers. Again, I knocked; seeing as no one had answered. This time a girl peeped through the blinds and poked an eye out. I waved my fingers at the girl and she quickly shut the blinds. Suddenly there were multiple giggles and whispers from behind the door. I kept waiting for someone to answer the door, but it seemed that the girls were more intrigued in their little giggle fest. I barely furrowed my eyebrows and leaned a little towards the door. "Uh, hello?" I inquired. The giggles grew fiercely until someone shushed them. Finally, after a few moments a girl with light brown hair, who wore a pink dress, answered the door with various other girls behind her. "Well, hi." she seethed as she leaned against the door way. I raised an eyebrow. "Hi..." I greeted back uncomfortably, "I'm here to pick up Ann."

"Oh, sure. Come on in." She wrapped her arm around mine and led me into the dorm.

I looked around at my unfamiliar surroundings. The walls were a light pink and white furniture decorated the place. "Have a seat." the girl offered graciously; batting her eyes. The other girls followed us, and sat down the minute I did. The girly who led me in sat pretty close to me; making the situation more uncomfortable than before. She smiled at me sweetly; our arms touching. I gave her an awkward smile back and scooted over a little away from her on the sofa. I looked around at all the girls who sat around me. They looked at me like I was possessing them with some magic spell; ready to do as I say.

"I'm Bertha by the way," the brown haired girl greeted.

"Elvis." I was short with my greet. "Oh I know," she said, "Everybody knows you, Elvis."

"I didn't realize how popular I was." I said a little freaked out by the girls who leaned closer as I scooted back. "You know," I began; not wanting to be rude, "I think I'm just gonna wait for Ann outside." I went to stand up, but Bertha was quick to pull my back down. "Don't be silly!" she giggled, "You're perfectly fine here." I gave an awkward grin and complied by staying. These girls were weirdin' me out. They all looked like they belonged in a nut house by the way they stared and smiled. Thankfully, after about twenty minutes, I was saved by Marilyn who ended up telling the girls to back off before leading me to a staircase that sat in front of the front door. "Don't mind them," she said, "They're stupid." I laughed at her blunt character. She smiled with her arm around mine and sighed. "I now present to you, the new and improved," she threw her arm towards the staircase, "Ann-Margret!" I looked up at the staircase curiously.

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