Chapter 4: On a Leash

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*Ann's POV**

The next morning, after cleaning the hospital, I decided to have a cup of coffee with Marilyn and another one of the nurses, Hedy Lamarr. We sat around a small table at a near by café. Marilyn wore black ray band sunglasses and groaned every five minutes. "I can't even drink this." she grumbled; setting aside her coffee. "Shouldn't have drank so much last night." Hedy mocked in a laugh; pushing her jet black hair back. "Stop yelling at me." Marilyn groaned; pinching the bridge of her nose.

"And this is exactly why I didn't have more than two drinks." Hedy half whispers to me.

"This is why I didn't stay more than five seconds." I added causing Hedy to laugh. Marilyn removed her hand from her nose and glared at me. "Hey," she began with suspicion, "Why didn't you stay?"

"She was too busy flirting with Mr. tall, dark, and handsome." Hedy teased. "What?!" Marilyn smiled in surprise, "You met someone, Ann?"

"No?" I stated clearly; looking misled. "Oh don't lie!" Hedy exclaimed, "She was with Red's friend. I saw her leave with him."

"Elvis Presley?" Marilyn laughed, "Gees, you really are brave! He's gorgeous!"

"I didn't leave with him," I corrected sternly, "I left and then he ran out after me."

"Even more adorable." Marilyn hummed.

"It wasn't like that. I basically told him to beat it."

"What?!" Hedy and Marilyn shouted in unison, causing people to look over at us with curiosity. "Why on earth would you do that?" Marilyn scolded.

"He's so gorgeous!" Hedy repeated. I swear if we weren't in public, she'd be drooling over him. "That's exactly why," I sighed, "Because he's nice looking. Girls swoon over a guy like that which means one thing... He's an egotist." I said snobbishly. "No way!" Hedy defended, "He seems sweet."

"You haven't even met him," I pointed out, crossing my arms, "He just seems... annoying."

"Annoying?!" Marilyn repeated as if I had just stabbed her in the stomach, "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Can we please talk about something else?" I mumbled and they, thankfully, agreed. I mean, yes, Elvis was quite the looker but he wasn't for me. I couldn't be with someone who was full of themselves, and he just seemed that way. I've been with enough egg heads like that, I didn't need to be with another. "There's another party tonight," Marilyn made aware, "Red says everyone will be there."

"I probably won't go." I thought aloud, and Hedy and Marilyn looked at each other and rolled their eyes in unison. "You don't know how to have fun." Hedy mumbled and Marilyn giggled. "Yes I do," I corrected, "I just... I don't know."
"Exactly." Marilyn huffed. I took a drink of my sweet coffee and sunk into my seat. "Let's go get some greasy food in the cafeteria," Marilyn said quickly, "In need to rid this hang over."

As we walked over to the cafeteria, we could hear loud cheering and a very up tempo musical beat playing. "What the hell is going on?" Marilyn mumbled. When we walked in, the beat was more clear and the cafeteria was loud. Marilyn cringed at the pain in her head as we walked in further. Everyone sat around clapping and cheering as Red, whom I'd met with Marilyn last night, was beating on upside down tin trash cans, Frank Sinatra, whom I know personally, was clanking the trash can lids together, and another man who had beautiful blonde curls played a guitar. I smiled as they made their beat. "Let's get out of here!" Marilyn groaned. "No way!" Hedy objected, "This place is slick! Come on!" Hedy quickly walked over to the crowd, pushing her way to the front. Marilyn took off her sunglasses and looked at me with sad eyes. "Get back to the dorm," I ordered gently, "Its best if you rest."

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