Chapter 13: Korea

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A deafening silence dropped over us as we all entered the train; men in the back of the train while all of us nurses were in the front bunks. Every single one of us were nervous and scared about what might happen once we got to Korea. We knew not every person would return back to America alive. There would be great men lost and tears would be shed. I don't think anyone would be the same after this. Us nurses would have to take in men with either lost limbs or overly exposed wounds. And even though this was my career, I was scared that I wouldn't know what to do when the time came to work on someone. I was afraid that I would suddenly forget all I had ever learned...

I sat in a bunk next to Hedy - stealing a glance from Liz who sat in the bunk across from me. She was also being recruited; Oh, the joy...

I could tell Hedy was more scared than anyone else. I can't imagine what she was thinking, but I knew it had to be about Jerry Lee. The poor girl... I took her shaking hand comfortingly; causing her to look at me with those watery eyes of hers. "Everything's going to be okay." I reassured her. Quickly, she pulled me into a tight hug and began to let out tears. "I just hope nothing happens." she cried quietly. I wrapped my arms around her tightly and sighed. "He'll be fine," I said, "He's Jerry Lee; the tough one." She pulled out of the hug and sniffed. "You're right," she nodded as she wiped away her tears, "He's fine; everything's fine. We're all going to be fine." Just then Marilyn walked in and sat in the seat in front of me; facing me with a sad expression. "I hate this." she grumbled, "Everyone's sad." I smirked and placed my hand on her knee. "Looks like we'll just have to cheer ourselves up, won't we?" Marilyn gave me an odd look and then it softened. "What do you mean?" Hedy asked; clueless. I took her by the hand and dragged her out of the bunk; Marilyn following behind. "Where are we going?"

"To see Jerry Lee." I said simply as we came to the door that separated the sexes. "But we aren't aloud in there!" Hedy exclaimed in a loud whisper. I turned to her and crossed my arms over my chest. "Hedy Lamarr, when are you afraid of breaking the rules?" She raised an eyebrow. "When are you not?!" Marilyn asked me comically. I giggled and opened the door. It seemed even more sad in the boys' bunks than it did in the nurses. Of course, they were the ones actually going to war, so I understood. We walked down the long hall, looking for any sign of Jerry Lee. Sadly it seemed almost hopeless; until we heard a voice singing of course.

We followed the voice to find that it was coming from a bunk in the back. Sitting in the bunk was Elvis who was leaning his chin on his fist with his elbow resting on the window as he looked out it; Red, who was staring up at the roof in deep thought with a bottle of some type of liquor in his fist; Jerry Lee, who sat the same as Elvis, except he looked even more sad; and Frank, who held a small guitar to his chest and played it as he sung a slow and delightful song. I opened up their glass sliding door, slowly; causing Frank to stop playing and look up. "Ann; ladies." he beamed; trying his best not to look sad or afraid. Elvis quickly looked at me in surprise; the rest of the boys following his lead. I smiled kindly. "Hello," I greeted, "We just came for a visit."

Jerry Lee quickly raced over to Hedy and squeezed her as tight as he could; with her holding onto him even tighter. "I love you." I heard him whisper to her. And she whispered the meaningful words back to him with tears in her brown eyes. Jerry Lee set her down and pulled her away somewhere. Red was next to approach Marilyn, but it seemed that within seconds they disappeared somewhere on the train as well.

I ran my hands down my nurse uniform as my eyes smiled at Elvis, who just looked at me with a blank expression. And as Frank began to play his guitar again, Elvis looked away from me and back out the window; leaving me to stand there awkwardly. What could I say? How could I make this better? I decided to take a seat in front of him carefully. I watched his features closely as he stared out of the window. He seemed almost focused on the passing trees and mountains. I wanted to speak, but suddenly it seemed that I had forgotten how to. Luckily, he knew how to start a conversation as soon as Frank left to get something to eat.

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