Chapter One

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        I twisted my bangs in a tight manner. When I was satisfied I bobby pinned the hair back and smoothed out my hair. My hair was straight and only a few strands of hair stood out of place. But I didn't mind. My dress was ruffled, it annoyed me but that was the last thing I was worried about. 

        Niall Horan was the school 'bad boy' as many would say. He annoyed me most of the time. Since he transferred the Jay High he's tried to take me on a date. Most of the girls would of course say yes then giggle about it to their friends. Thinking they were the lucky ones that got to be played with by him. It was disgusting. 

        My friends find me crazy for not liking him. But all he is, is a tattoo covered, lip and eye brow pierced boy. Nothing more and as far as I knew nothing less. Rumors around the school say that he's into drug dealing and throws the biggest party's ever.

        I walked out of my room fully ready. The house was full of noise of my family getting ready. My mother was a nurse and my father owned a local hardware store. I had two older brothers that were going into the army after graduation. Then there's my twin brother and sister. They looked alike but the only way you remembered their names was one of them was a different sex then the other.

        "Raelynn, have you seen my boots?" Delilah asked me. 

        "No, ask Devin." I told her. She nodded and ran off. 

        Devin and Delilah were my twin siblings. They fell at thirteen years old. They each had bright blue eyes and dark brown hair. Just like the rest of my family they were skinny and had long legs. Both of them ran. Only Devin ran cross country, Delilah ran track and field. 

        My older brothers were Noah and Carter. Noah was a tall, broadly build man. He had short brown hair and bright eyes. He fell at the age of 18. Carter was a little bit shorter but not much. His hair was a little lighter then Noah's but not by much. He fell at the age of 17, same as me but eleven months older. And as for his eyes it was the same as the rest of them. They all took after our dad. 

        And as for me I looked more like my mother then anyone. I had her brown eyes and blonde hair. Her figure and her face. Everything. You would never think my father was indeed my father. 

        I walked down the stairs and moved towards the fruit basket. My hand grabbed the biggest apple and I softly bit into it. The juice ran down my chin but I quickly wiped it away. I was careful to not get it on my dress. My phone vibrated on the counter top and I leaned over to notice it was Niall's name flashing across the screen. 

        For a while it puzzled me on how he got my number in the first place but I gave up after a while. I slide my finger across the screen and read the agitating message asking me why I wasn't there yet. I rolled my eyes and put my phone back in it previous spot. My mind began to wonder on what kind of hell would be awaiting me today. 

        "Lets go Rae!" I heard my brothers call. 

        I stood up and said good-bye to my parents and followed my siblings out to my brothers cars. The twins went with Carter and I slid into the passenger seat next to Noah. Usually I went with Carter but I didn't go today. As we drove down the dimly lit road I stuffed my head phones in my ears and began playing a random song on my play list. I hummed along and once in a while I could feel Noah's eyes burn into my skin.

        School was about twenty minutes away from my house by car. If you walked it would take about forty minutes or so. If you walked fast enough thirty. I used to always walk home after a fight with one of my brothers. Back when they had to share a car. But now I just choose the other one and ride home with them. 

        "Have a good day at school." Everyone yelled at me. I nodded and shoved passed people in the halls.

        Once I got to my locker I sighed in relief that Niall had given up this morning on waiting for me. I quickly pulled out everything I needed and headed to my first period class. Unsure about what the day would bring.

Okay so for the people who dont know this or whatever... This might be my last fan-fiction for Niall... Maybe not. I might start my 5SOS series next. I've wrote three fan-fictions and so far my favorite one is my most recent one. Its called 'You Cursed My Name', its also a Punk Niall. 

Read it sometime. I'm thinking that I wanna write this in dedication of someone. Not sure yet on that part. But yeah this is my fourth Fan-Fiction. So if I still suck at writing please tell me. But for the sake of your own mind DONT READ MY FIRST FAN-FICTION. Its horrible and I want to delete it so badly. But its a double book thing story so I really cant. 

So enjoy the rest of the book. FYI my chapters are no less then 700-1,000 words. Not unless I'm busy but need to update. Okay?  Kay... ~Nemo

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