Chapter Six

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Well, I decided to update again. Cause I'm getting busier and busier by the day. This will be a short chapter. 

        "Wake up Rae." A mans voice said. 

        My body felt as if it wasn't on the ground. Like I was floating. My eyes slowly opened and the dark sky brightly shown above me. Fear spread through my body as I looked to see Niall was carrying me. Trees swallowed a concealed drive way. He had a grin as he opened the door to a house. A ragged looking house. 

        Inside Niall sat me down on a dusty couch. The smell filled on nose, making me want to sneeze. The room was dark until Niall pulled a metal cord making light fill the small room. His heavy steps walked through the room and into another one. After a few minutes he came back out and walked towards me. 

        "What are you doing to me?" I asked him, making sure not to allow my fear to seep through my words. 

        "Don't worry princess." He said chuckling at the end.

        I just sat there in silence, my heart beating faster and faster. His eyes pierced into my body and as for myself I just sat there really awkwardly. Thoughts continued to run through my mind on why he would kidnap me. 

        Why wouldn't he just continue to abuse me and beat me whenever he wanted? Why not just freely use me and irritate? Why just kidnap me? 
        It made no sense to just take me away from the world. They would notice that I was gone, that I just disappeared from my house like that. My family wasn't that stupid. 
        "So when are you going to let me go?" I asked him. 
        A hum left his throat and he looked at the door, like there was a noise coming from the outside. Then he looked back at me. 
        "If you escape me then that's when I'll let you go. But its disappointing that you'll never escape." he said with a smirk forming at his lips. 
        My mouth opened then shut. He was really testing me about this? I guess so. After that he lead me into a dusty, dark, and small room at the end of the hall. A small bed was shoved in the corner of the room. Down the hall about half way was a small bathroom that contained a stand up shower and a toilet as well as a sink. 
        "You'll be living here, and so will I sometimes." he said as I stood in the hall way, my arms crossed over my chest. 
          He had to being kidding, there was no way I was living here without food. Or without heat or anything else I needed to survive. 
        "Don't worry, I'll get you food and other things like that. I'll even snatch your clothes and shoes and makeup from your room. I'll also get you things to decorate?" he said nervously. 
        "Are you seriously trying to make it so I leave?" I asked him. 
        "Kind of." he said shrugging his shoulders.
        Hours later he left to get the things I needed. Of course I gave him a list of things and what not to get. Once he finally left I sat down on the bed and turned on the power. 
          The room was an egg shell color and nothing but a closet and a bed were in the small room. I stood up and walked through the creepy house. Each room ended up having a light on after I was finished. Once I found the mater bedroom I noticed a large, older bed sat in the middle of the room. The room reminded me of my own room. 
        The silence began to irritate me, making me want to pull out my hair. I stood up and walked the perimeter of the bedroom. My hand touched the wall, pieces of chipped paint fell into my hands. I let the paint fall to the ground and I continued to walk. Once I had been through the whole room I left and walked into the living room. 

        I could hear someone walking up the pathway to the door. Their footsteps were loud and heavy, almost like they were in a hurry. I coughed and waited for the person to enter the house. I was one hundred percent sure it was Niall, only I was wrong.  

        In walked Harry, his eyes caught mine, making me want to hide and run. His curls were under a black beanie, making his green eyes hold more of a wicked tone with them. I stepped back and he started to play with his lip piercing. A chuckle soon escaped his lips, making my blood run colder. 

        "Niall will be back soon," he said looking down. "But until then, you're mine." he growled.
        "N-No." I said pressing myself further into the wall. 

        He didn't listen though, he only started to walk closer and closer towards me. Soon I could feel his breath hit my neck, making chills run down my spine. A shiver escaped my body, which made him laugh a deep throaty laugh. One you wouldn't want to here from a punk. 

        Harry grabbed my wrists and pulled my arms over my head. My head tilted to the right away from his lips. He took away one of his hands and ran it up and down my body. My breathing troubled a bit once he carefully lifted my shirt over my head, tossing it over his shoulder. His eyes traveled up and down my shirtless torso. 

        Next he undid my pants pulling them down to my ankles. He grabbed my waist in order to lift me out of them. My hands flew to his shoulders and I dug my nails into the skin, making him gasp and throw my body to the ground. I tried to reach for my clothing but he swiftly kicked my stomach. 

        "Niall!" I screamed without thinking. 

        I knew I shouldn't be screaming that monsters name but he hated it when other people touched me like that. Another reason why I could never keep a boyfriend. But that didn't matter right now. I grabbed my stomach, coughing and sputtering. A chuckle filled the room and I looked up at him. He was looking down at me and a smirk formed on his face.

        I looked past him and saw the door quickly open. Harry turned back and Niall stood in the door way carrying bags in. Once Niall threw down bags of clothing and other materials he walked over to Harry and punched him. Harry stumbled back, holding his bleeding face. Niall lead him out of the house and then went to help me up. After I got dressed I went to sit on the dusty couch.

        "I'm sorry about him Rae." He told me. I didn't care.

        "I just want to go home." I said hugging my knees to me chest, listening to the sigh escape his lips.

I'm sorry for not updating for so long. I've been busy with a ton of things. Marching bands done for a while and Im grounded so more updating. Okay? ~Nemo

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