Chapter Ten

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Half of this chapter will be in Raelynn's brother, Carters, point of view. Okay? ~Nemo


        Carters P.O.V~

        Mom lay on the couch, snuggled in a blanket. Her body was practically empty, with no emotion ever. Dad worked later and later as weeks passed. Noah wouldn't talk to anyone since he was the closets in the family to Rae. The twins didn't understand what was going on, thinking she just ran away to our grandparents house in London. 

        As for myself I've been trying to keep the family in line and ordered. Someone had to do it and our parents aren't being great parents at the moment. But everything's slower then usual. Half the time we were late for school until Noah just completely stopped going at least one day a week. The school understood and gave him all the time he needed, only as long as he made up the work he missed. 

        "Mom, you want anything to eat?" I asked her. No sound came from her, which was normal. 

        Noah sat at the table, picking at his dinner. The twins ate happily, telling us about how when Raelynn comes back they were going to throw her a party. A shy smile attempted to form on Noah's face, but its been to long since he's actually smiled.

        The front door opened then clicked shut, making all of us snap our heads towards its direction. Dad walked passed us to the fridge, not saying a 'hello' or 'how was your day?'. This made me mad. I understood it but why aren't they trying to get better?

        "Dad, why cant you talk to us anymore?" Noah said. It was the first thing he's said in over three weeks. 

        "You don't understand," He said looking at the floor. 

        "No you don't understand! We need our parents but you guys can't even stay strong enough to at least act like everything's going to be okay, and that you're actual parents! Carters been picking up your slack! Same with moms!" Noah yelled, stand up. 

        This scared the twins enough to run up the stairs and into their bed rooms. I on the other hand just watched. Mom soon came into the room, hair sticking up in every direction possible. 

        "Whats going on?" She asked us. Noah looked at her and then to dad. 

        "I'll tell you whats going on Denise," Dad said. "Our sons don't think we're good enough parents," 

        "What?" She said turning towards us. 

        "You know its true. All you ever do is lay on the couch and do nothing. You barley even show emotion anymore. And dad all you do is work late." Noah said. 

        Her expression changed and she sat down in one of the chairs. Dad was finally hit with reality and he looked at us both. Sadness filled their eyes and mom began to cry. Her small body shaking with cries of sorrow, almost like she just heard horrible life changing news. But she actually did. Noah made then see reality what they did wrong. 

        "W-Well try b-better." Mom hiccuped. 

        We just stood there watching dad comfort mom, telling her everything will be alright. But he's wrong. Nothing will ever be 'okay' or 'alright' in our family. Not until she comes back home. Not until she's free of the person who stole her away from us. 

        Raelynn's P.O.V.~

        Nothing made sense anymore, nothing at all. Not since I came here or why Niall was so nice yesterday. And that kiss, that so sudden kiss. The kiss that made no sense. 

        I flipped onto my other side, taking the covers with me. Nialls footsteps echoed through out the halls. He was up and awake, but  I was only awake. He just happened to be out of bed, getting ready for the day. He walked in my room and I groaned. 

        "We need to talk," He said.

        "Start talking then," I muttered. He sighed and then sat on the edge of my bed. 

        "We need to make it look like you're dead. Just completely gone. I'll go get some new makeup and hair dye for you, then we can go shopping." He said shakily. 

        "Why?" I asked him, my mind was in complete shock. 

        "So you can actually leave this house and stuff."He said. 

        "Why cant you just allow me to go home?" I asked. 

        "Because I like you. But you don't see that," He said. 

        "Oh but I do," I said under my breath so he wouldn't hear me. 

        "So do you agree?" He asked me. 

        "I agree." I muttered once again. 

        Then he left, without a single word said. I knew after this I'd never be helped, everyone would think I was dead somewhere. I was so mangled a body wasn't recovered. This made my chest hurt, my family would forget about me like they already have. 

        Niall was seriously ruining my life and he's enjoying every single second of it. But I guess I give him credit for attempting to make me happy here. As well as telling me if I escaped him I could be set free from him.

        A little bit after he left my bedroom he left. Locking the door behind him. What didn't make sense is, why don't I just get up and leave? Nothings holding me back when he's gone. Maybe I'm just afraid of my punishment when I'm caught. But it is a chance of freedom as well, a chance I don't really want to risk anymore. He's getting stronger by the day, I can easily see the progress in him.

        I got out of bed, not even bothering to make it again. I pulled on a pair of skinny jeans and a My Chemical Romance long sleeved shirt. Then I searched for a black pair of Vans or converse to throw on. Niall never grabbed my black and white converse from my room so I chose my Vans and then brushed out my hair. Quickly french braiding the front part I threw it up in a messy looking bun. 

        By now I was satisfied with my outfit choice. I walked into the unusually dark kitchen and flipped on the light. A not-so-bright light filled the room. I walked over to the fridge and grabbed an apple. 

        "Okay lets dye your hair!" Niall called, entering the house. I groaned and looked over at him. 

        He held a box of dark brown hair dye and I groaned, taking the box from him and walked to the bathroom. Regretting ever agreeing to this, but I only did for the chance of getting help and being free of this stupid house.

        After about an hour of messing with my hair you could barley tell that I was ever a blonde. The dark hair looked weird in the hair style I originally had it in. Niall walked in the bathroom and handed me contact holders. My colored contacts from about three months ago I bought, sneaking the purchase from my parents. No one in my house has actually never saw me in them. 

        "Put them in." Niall said. I listened and put the gray contacts in. 

        I looked in the mirror and didn't even recognize myself. It was upsetting. Now I was ripped away from everything. Even my mother now.

So I updated again. I like the chapter I guess. 
What do you guys think? :/ ~Nemo


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