Chapter Eighteen

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    For the past month we've been living with my dad parents so my grandparents. Questions were always asked what happened between them, but I knew I was the one that caused all this. My father told me it was okay now to express myself and do what we wanted. He understood us and me. 

        So I did what I wanted to do and made my own choices. I got a sleeve of tattoos and a tongue piercing. No one judged me but praised me for taking a stand. My brothers got a few tattoos themselves and Noah bought a new car. Carter got a girlfriend who's sweet and pretty. 

        The twins brought home friends more often and they enjoyed being home. I went out to parties with my friends, whom approved the new look and even went out and bought a tattoo that matched one of mine. 

        I redyed my hair so it was a bright red and I threw away the horrible contacts and I enjoyed being free. My father spent more time at home and with us kids. He even gave Noah and I money for a new apartment for when we get to our new city. Noah smiled and gratefully took the money. 

        Right now we were at the airport terminal saying goodbye before we went through security and all that fun stuff. I hugged my father one last time for who knows how long and I pulled away. My mother was slowly approaching us, she looked tired and sick. 

        She walked up to us and hugged Noah first. Noah and my mother exchanged  a few words and then she turned to me. I watched her lips purse but she ended up smiling and taking me in her grasp. 
        "You look beautiful," She said. 

        "Thank you," I awkwardly said. 

        "I'm sorry for not being a good mother," She said sniffling. 

        "It's okay, I love you," I told her. 

        She lost her smile when I was pulled away in a hurry. Noah was quickly talking about how we would have missed the flight. My eyes caught hold of a pair of light blue eyes. They were Nialls. 

        We locked eyes but I'm sure he didn't recognize me, not with the whole changing of myself. I broke contact and my eyes fell on a girl whom looked similar to him, maybe she was fifteen? But she had tattoos and piercings just like Niall. Then I looked over at a man and another girl. They all looked like Niall only the man and the other girl didn't have tattoos. 

        Noah pushed me through the security and we were both quickly checked and we started to book it to the plane. We got there just in time before they shut the door. They scanned our tickets and I walked through the tunnel and found our seats. Sadly the flight was delayed due to high winds in Miami. 

        People exited the plane since the delay was for a few hours. Which meant the people whom were late could make the flight. I lay my head in Noah's lap as he tapped away on his phone. My phone vibrated in my pocket.

        The I.D was Niall's, I opened the text and looked at the words.

        Niall: Long time no see, nice make over. ;)

        I looked around and my eyes once again caught his own. My lips turned into a slight frown and my eyebrows knitted together in confusion. How does he know where I always seem to be?

        I stood up and walked over to the line for McDonald's. I quickly ordered and paid for the food. But it was too late. 

        "What's up with the new look?" A voice came from behind me. 

        "My parents got a divorce. I moved in with my dad. He told me to express myself how ever I want now and that's exactly what I did," I said taking a sip of my chocolate shake. 

        "I'm sorry about that night," Niall said rubbing the back of his neck.

        "Whatever," I said rolling my eyes and walking back over to Noah. 

        Niall gave up and sat back to what I believed was his family. One of the girls came walking over to me. She sat down and I looked at her tattoos. 

        "He really does like you," She said. 

        "W-What?" I asked. 

        "Niall. He's my older brother. He took me in when our parents shot each other. That's my sister Leigh and my oldest brother Greg. My names Mason," She explained. 

        "Oh," I said awkwardly. 

        "Give him a chance once in a while," She muttered. 

        Mason stood up and walked back over to her seat and sat down. I looked over at Niall, our eyes connecting, but soon they were ripped apart when screams and curse words filled the quiet room. His sisters were rolling around on the floor punching each other. Mason was on top of her sister, wildly throwing punches and elbows. Greg was yelling at Niall, who was laughing, to ripped them apart.

        After five or so minutes and a lot of blood was drawn Niall pulled his sisters away from each other. Mason was screaming profanities and Leigh was wiping away the blood from her nose. Greg tending to his sister and Niall was talking to Mason in the corner. 

        Mason walked over with Niall and they sat next to me. Niall looked at Mason constantly but son stopped and tilted his head back. Mason held her knuckles under an ice pack and lifted her shirt to check the bruises on her stomach. My eyes caught something on her belly button. It was a ring. 

        It made me remember my own that I had done against my mother wishes when I was thirteen. Same with my first tattoo when I was fifteen. She never found out until recently. 

        "Flight 189 to Miami Florida is now boarding," A voice said over the speakers. Everyone shuffled towards the entrance to the tunnel. 

        My seat was a few rows behind Nialls and Masons. Leigh and Greg's seats were directly across from me. I rested my head on the window and patiently waited for the okay to use our cell phones. About twenty minutes after we took off I shoved my ear buds in my ears and I was lulled to sleep with the words of Fall Out Boy. 

I think this was a kinda good update. :) ~Nemo

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