Chapter Thirteen

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        Dear Niall,
        We've been through it all, like everything besides being in a relationship and stuff like that. Its been a, um.... honor? to be abused, torchered and  almost killed by you. I'd hate to leave it but I must be going. Soon I'll be eighteen and out of the country for good. Tell Michael and Courtney I'll miss them. Only I don't have their phone numbers but every Saturday or Friday night she sits at the end of the drive way waiting for me. Cause clubbing? Yeah.

        After the club I realized you need to get back to your own ways and responsibilities with me out of your tattoos. Haha. Anyways I've already left by the time you've read this. Yes, I am going home. 

        They deserve a proper good-bye and to at least see me. And no I wont rat you out to them about what you've done. You don't deserve your whole life ruined by one small action. You know? 

        But with in a week I'll be traveling the world looking for a place to belong. I've been saving money since the fifth grade for a perfect prom dress. But that will have to be forgotten. Maybe I'll finish high school and go to college for something useless in my life but be happy finally. Like I was years ago. 

        It's not that you never made me depressed or suicidal, oh wait you did in a way. But it was just because I was your rag doll and I can't take one more day of it. I've finally escaped your grasp and I'm a free bird. I can sing my song freely and without worry you'll come attack. 

        I remember the first time we talked. I thought I liked you until you got more up close and personal and violent. Which means, of course, I wouldn't want to be with you. 

        The first time you abused me I went home and 'selfharmed' for the first time in my life. It got rid of the aching pain and I loved it. I've been about three months clean and I don't ever plan on turning to it again in my life. I'm stronger than that. 

        I remember my first tattoo. A music note on my left hip. It was a way of selfharm to me. The needle braking open the skin only leaving a black scar that would remind me forever why I got that tattoo. I bet you didn't know that about me. 

        I seemed like that perfect girl with no problems but I became a perfect liar once I got the hang of it. 

        "Its a cat scratch"

        "A tree got me in the woods last night"

        "Its a nick from the razor from shaving last night"

        The lies were endless you know? Of course you don't, you never cared anyways. I was just another hook up, but you couldn't get me. Right? Your secrets out. 

        I knew this whole time I was a bet. A bet you couldn't fulfill so you played it off as you actually loved me. But when that didn't work kidnapping me was the only way of winning the bet. So how much money did they offer you to sleep with me? The Virgin

        Yeah I'm a virgin and Harry knew that. You made the bet with Harry. He knew I had no interest in him and how I could quickly figure out things about people. He didn't want to take the risk because, I Raelynn, already had dirt on thee Harry Edward Styles. The truth: 

        Before my mother got married to my step father, and yes I said step father, she was with his brother and they conceived me. Yep my father and Harry's father is the same person. I'm a true 'Styles' but my mother gave me her own last name to cover the secret. And gave my siblings the same last name as well so no one knew. Well if you think about it I have two older brothers as well. And yes, their fathers Harry's father too. Harry's actually twins with Noah, but they were born 12 hours apart. Noah born the day after Harry's. At 12:23 am. Which made it easier I guess to hide the fact my mother did that. 

        So yes, Harry has a half older brother a twin brother and me. Well Gemma's in the picture as well but she's a lovely girl so I don't mind. She knows this dirty secret as well. Carter and Noah are the only ones unaware of this little lie and it should stay that way. In my opinion anyways. But that doesn't matter. 

        I should get going. But about the bet. It was easy to figure out why you wanted to have sex with me out of no where and play it off as 'I love you Rae" Haha. Well...

        Good-bye Niall. 

                                                Sincerely Raelynn.

P.S. Stay safe and stop it with the girls. We don't need another flaw in the world caused by you. 


How was this update? I thought this would be a good way to start off the no Niall section of the book. Well I'll do Nialls p.o.v.'s but you get it. Omg. Where should Raelynn end up? Any where but New York. Please comment where she should go!!! :D ~Nemo.

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