Chapter Fifteen

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Nialls P.o.V~

        My hair was scruffy looking and pointing in different directions. A slut lay on the bed, from which I had just emerged from. Her hair was also sticking every which way and her lips were slightly parted. The only noises in the room were her breathing. My head was pounding rapidly and my body smelled like sweat and alcohol. 

        I grunted whilst standing up and I picked up my clothing and tugging on my underwear and jeans. Without looking behind me I left the room and the motel. The sun blinded my eyes and I quickly tug through my car for my sunglasses. Luckily I found them, I pulled out of the bar parking lot and started to drive. 

        While passing Raelynn's house I could see her parents sitting happily outside on the front porch. Just like before I took her out of their grasp and away from society for the longest time. But I couldn't just go back to school after she returned. I'll just drop out like the rest of my friends did. 

        I pulled into my drive way and locked the car and walked into my flat. I hadn't been home often and I kind of missed it. Pictures hung on the wall of my sisters and my older brother and my self. 

        Usually my youngest sister Mason, who's fifteen, lives with me. But at the moment she's with Greg and my other little sister Leigh, who's sixteen, in London for a week. 

        Leigh moved in with Greg and Mason moved in with me after our parents got into a drunken fight and shot each other for cheating. So Mason moved in with me because we were closer and Leigh left with Greg. 

        Mason has blonde hair and a few tattoos and a few piercings, she's a junior because she actually learns in school, unlike me who's been held back five or so times. So my little sister was a grade below me. 

        Leigh has brown hair and has ink free skin and no piercing besides her ears. She was just like Greg and cared about everything and she never stopped studying. It was annoying. But I still loved her. 

        I lay down on the couch and rubbed my face, thinking of what to do next. Then I heard arguing from outside the door and then a key unlocking the lock. 

        My siblings all walked in, as they were doing so all you could hear was there fighting and arguing. It looked like Greg was breaking up a fight between Mason and Leigh. Mason was in Greg's arms trying to throw punches at her sister. Even if Mason was younger I bet should could easily kick her sisters ass. 

        Greg walked over to me and gave me with thrashing Mason, I smirked and dropped her to the floor. She was smart and quickly jumped on top of Leigh. Punches were thrown and Greg started looking at them but shrugged. After they both threw a few punches and Leigh started to bleed I pulled off Mason and threw her on the couch. 

        Her complaints filled our flat as we tended to Leigh's cut on her forehead, probably from Mason's ring I bought her a few years ago, and her bloody nose. 

        "Why did you let her go?" Greg asked me as we sprayed disinfectant on the cut. 

        "They needed to shut up and Leigh had it coming," I stated. 

        Greg agreed because no matter how tom boy Leigh acted she was still a fragile weakling that talked to tall for herself. Mason always down graded her strength to people just in case she fought them. Then they learned the real truth. 

        "Niall are you working today?" I heard Mason ask from her room. 

        "Yeah. You wanna come with?" I asked as Greg and Leigh were leaving. 

        As an answer, Mason came out of her room in shorts that showed off her thigh tattoo and a tank top that showed her growing sleeve on her right arm. Her eye brow piercing was removed as well as her lip and nose rings. She pushed her hair back into a pony tail and grabbed her gym bag off the counter. 

        I ran into my room and quickly changed clothes and then grabbed my keys. Mason slid into the passenger seat and threw her bag in the back seats. I started the car and pulled out and into the direction of the gym I worked in.
        When we got there Mason ran ahead, already knowing all of the customers and employees. She was like family there and everyone understood why I had her and didn't judge. 

        "Hey Niall," One my best friends said. 

        "Hey Liam," I said nodding in his direction. 

        When I got to the boxing square of the gym Mason was already wrapping her hands for training. I was her and three other girls around her age trainer. They weren't there yet so I started early with Mason by having her warm up with the punching bag in the corner and then a quick mile run. She didn't complain and she did as she was told. 

        Soon the other girls showed up and they did the same warm up as Mason only Mason finished before them and I taught her a few new moves and then let her practice them in the ring with Zayn. 

        Soon all the girls were messing around and ganging up on poor Zayn, his fake screams echoing through the gym. Then the girls screamed echoed, proving that Zayn had flipped them. We were soon laughing and having a great time. 

Raelynn's P.o.V~

        I flipped through the channels trying to find something to watch. My parents had left a few days ago on a vacation, of course they didn't want to leave but I insisted. 

        Noah and Carter left with some girls to a party and the twins were at our grandparents house for the week. So I was practically by myself, open for Niall to just take at any time.

        I pulled out my laptop and started the school work I needed to make up. As the music played from the TV and the clicking from my key board distracted me from what I was actually suppose to do. But it didn't matter.

        My phone began to buzz on the coffee table making a loud and annoying vibration. I looked at the caller I.D. and saw it was Niall's. I groaned and picked up the phone. 

        "Hello?" I answered.

        "I'm sorry," He said. 

        "What?" I asked him. 

        "I'm sorry for everything I have done to you and I just want another chance to make everything right," He said.

        "But-" I started.

        "No but's I'm taking you out tomorrow night. Wear something casual for summer," He informed me. I was going to answer but he clicked the end button before I could. 

        He was taking me out tomorrow. Why?

What's up guise? Well here's an update. I'LL BE UPDATING A LOT IN THE NEXT TWO WEEKS CAUSE I'M ON BREAK AND OMG. :D ~Nemo

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