Chapter Two

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The day moved slowly by. Kind of like syrup leaving the bottle in a slow sticky string. Niall stopped my in the halls a few times asking why I was so late to school. But to me I really wasn't late. Niall needed to know that I wasn't his. 

        "Raelynn, why were you so late?" Niall asked me again as I traveled through the thickly packed hallway. 

        "Niall I wasn't late." I answered him. 

        A sigh escaped my lips as he sat next to me in English. His hand traveled up my leg stopping above my knee. I hated when he did that. A chuckle left his mouth as I swatted his hand away as he moved further up my thigh. As much as I was used to this I hated it. It was the same thing everyday. He'd ask me questions I didn't have an answer to then he'd harass me. 

        "Good morning class, please pass your papers to the right." Mr. J said clapping his hands in a hurry. 

        Niall scoffed as I shoved my paper passed him. His hand tightly squeezed my thigh and a high pitched squeak left my mouth. People turned to witness that Niall was next to me. They understood and I could fell their sorry eyes leave us. Many people were scared of Niall. Unless you were his friend or me.  I've never really been friends with him nor have I been afraid of him. 


        "I know you hate that." Niall whispered in my ear. His hot breath fanned my neck as he pulled away. 

        "Mr. Horan, I suggest you stop messing with Raelynn and pay attention." Mr. J's voice said. 

        Giggles filled the room and my face got hot. Tears brimmed my eyes for the embarrassment that he caused me. No one ever understood why I hated school. 

        Soon the bell rang. But it was lunch. My feet slowly moved towards my locker. I slowly put in my combination and shoved the books into the space. The hall began to clear out with the kids going to the lunch room or to their next boring classes. 

        "Ready?" I heard Jasmine ask me. I nodded and we walked towards the crowded lunch room. 

        Our group was like the preppy hipsters. We were all about style and what was wearable and what wasn't. Every year we threw an annual fashion show for charity. A lot of people joined just to learn what was the new fashion trends. But other then that we just judge peoples clothes.

        I sat down and listened to the usual talk. Mostly about what the punks were wearing.

        "Have you seen their shirts lately?" Jenny asked. Disgust dripped through her voice as she talked.

        "Yeah. They have stains and there always black." Lauren agreed.

        The rest of the lunch period went like that. Soon Emily was thrown into their discussion. They were sweet girls once you actually got to know them. Other then that they could rip you to shreds. 

        Soon lunch room became less crowded and kids filed back to their sixth hour classes. This was one of my favorite classes cause it was one of the few classes I didn't have with Niall. As I stepped into the cold room I shivered and took my seat. In every class I happened to sit in the very back. 

        For the rest of the day I struggled to stay awake. But once the final bell rang I jumped out of my seat and ran towards my locker. Once everything was shoved into it I ran over to Noah. He could tell I was nervous but he let it go and said good-bye to his friends. We soon found the rest of our siblings and filed to the cars. 

        I took my spot in the passenger seat next to Noah. His eyes flickered to the mirror to look at Carters car behind us. The music was soon over powered with the sound of a crotch rocket filled the air. The sound only belonged to the group of punks. Only this one was the one that annoyed me most. Niall. 

        I shut my eyes and put my ear buds in their rightful place. My ears. I hit shuffle and Mirrors by Justin Timberlake filled my ears. My thumb found the volume button and turned it all the way up. 

        I looked out the window to see the fall leaves brighten up the yards of the home owners. It puzzled me on why they continued to drive there bikes to school. It was only getting colder and colder. They were just stupid. 

        Once we were home I ignored my family and went straight up to my room. I threw my phone on to my bed and walked over to my laptop. I pushed the power button and turned to get changed into pajamas. My feet walked to the curtain to shut them before I thought about stripping. My eyes scanned the area until they found what they were looking for.

        Niall and his four best friends leaned against their bikes, smoking cigarettes. They all had smiles on their faces as they looked up to my window. My eyes locked with Nialls. My body shivered once again as I drew in the dark fabric to cover the windows. I turned and locked my bedroom door as I took the bundle of clothes and walked to the bathroom.

        Goosebumps grew on my skin as the cold air touched the warm parts of my body. I threw on my fuzzy green pants and a long sleeve shirt that matched the color. I threw my hair up in a messy bun and unhooked my bangs from their previous spot.

        After I was fully changed I walked over and logged into my Tumblr. For a while I scrolled down through pictures of cute animals. Finally my stomach made a dying whale noise. Signalling that it was almost dinner time.

        "Mom is dinner almost ready?" I yelled through the house. 

        "Mom and Dad went out. We're ordering pizza." Noah said pausing his game to pick up the phone. 

        Carter sighed and threw down his controller in irritation. He stood up and walked over to me. His hair was messy from the hours they spent playing their video game. 

        "I was just about to beat him." He told me. A giggle escaped my lips as I watched him pull at his hair. 

        After Noah started the game back up a knock sounded through the house. I stood up and walked towards the door. Noah looked back at me with a worried look on his face. 

        "Niall, why are you here?" I said through gritted teeth when I opened the door. 

        After I said this I heard numerous sets of foot steps. I turned around to see Noah, Carter, Devin and Delilah all standing there. They had big eyes and Delilahs mouth was slightly opened.

        "I was in the neighborhood so I thought it was a good idea to say hi." He said smirking.

        I crossed my arms over my chest and stepped back. Noah smiled knowing what I wanted him to do. He stepped forward.

        "Good-Bye Niall." And with that he slammed the door in his face. Locking it after.

        "Who is that?" Carter asked me. I was lost for words.  

        "An annoying guy who has a huge crush on me." I answered. They nodded and we all walked back into the living room. 


So..... How was that? I thought it wasn't the bestttttt chapter... ~Nemo

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