Chapter Twenty Eight

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        Third Person's P.O.V~

        Months after the adoption Niall came home and told Raelynn he had always loved her and that he was very sorry about everything he's ever done. Mason was proud of her brother but Raelynn just thought it was a joke until Niall promised Raelynn that he would never hurt her like in the past again. Raelynn agreed for one date and when the date came they left Noah at home with Carter, because he was living out there again, and Mason. 

        Niall took her out to play mini golf and let her win. After they got ice cream and while they were there they ran into Jessica, who was looking for Niall to apologize and take her back, and Raelynn got mad and stormed off. Raelynn wasn't paying attention while she was crossing the road to get away from Niall and there was an on coming car. 

        Niall quickly ran after her and pushed her out of the way of the car. The driver wasn't paying attention and couldn't stop in time and ran over Niall. When the car stopped Raelynn was already in the middle of the road holding the bloody Niall, she was screaming and crying while Jessica ran off towards a building to call for help. 

        Raelynn couldn't stop crying and screaming for Niall to wake up. The ambulance was there within seconds and took Niall out of Raelynn's arms and took him to a hospital near by. Raelynn was taken for a broken wrist from landing on it wrong when Niall pushed her. Jessica disappeared from the scene when the cops showed up and they questioned the driver about it.

        Raelynn was allowed to see Niall before they took him off life support. He had severe brain damage and enough broken bones for a full on body cast and for a leg amputation. Niall's heart was having trouble beating and he couldn't breath correctly from trauma to the lungs. 

        They talked for a few minutes and Niall told her that he loved her and Mason. Niall begged her to be more careful now that he wouldn't be there for her anymore. The tears streamed down both of their faces to the point where words didn't matter. To the fact that nothing would ever replace the heart ache they both felt for each other. 
        Right before they pulled the plug on the life support the boys all stumbled in, their faces had dried tears on them and their hair was a mess. They crowded around Niall and Raelynn and they even had to hold Raelynn back while the plug was being pulled. Raelynn couldn't control herself as Niall heart rate dropped and fell into a constant line, showing that he was gone.

        Louis dragged her out of the room and into another and held her down on the floor until she stopped thrashing around and kicking. Her eyes held the look of pure ache and heart destruction. Mason ran into the room with Liam behind her and she screamed at Louis to get off Raelynn and he did. Mason held onto Raelynn and they sat on the floor and cried. 

        The other boys finally came into the room and they all just starred at the scene of a growing depression in front of them. Zayn offered to take them home in Raelynn's car but she refused and they just left them there at the hospital. 

        Mason's p.o.v.~

        "How am I just suppose to let this go, its obviously not an accident," I said to Raelynn.

        We sat against the egg shell white wall of the hospital wall. Our crying had stopped but we still had trouble grasping that he was really gone. They had found out the driver was drunk and was trying to find another bottle of booze when she hit Niall. I was sort of happy that Raelynn survived the accident and was proud my brother died a hero.

        "We heard what happened," I heard someone yell outside. It was Greg. 

        We stood up and walk out of the vacant room and we saw that Leigh was balling into Greg's shirt and Greg was trying to get passed the nurses but when he saw us walking over to him he stopped trying and just stood limp. 

        "So its true," He said. 

        Raelynn started crying again and he took her into his arms and tried to calm her but I knew it wouldn't work. Not now that Nialls gone. 

        "Why didn't he just let me die!?!?!?"Raelynn screamed. 

        "Because he wanted to die a hero, he always wanted to die for the one he loves," Greg told her. 

        We were sitting in the waiting room to calm down so Raelynn and Greg were stable to drive since I only had my permit and Leigh didn't understand how they drove here. Raelynn lay on the floor in front of Greg and her fingers traced the grooves and bumps on the floor from use. 

        "Are you okay Raelynn?" I asked her. 

        "Yeah, lets go home," She said getting up and wiping the dried tears off her face. 

        We walked out to the car and we said good bye to Greg and Leigh. We drove home and Carter and Noah met us in the parking lot and they each hugged us and carried us up to the apartment and Raelynn nuzzled her head in Carters shoulder to mute her sobs. Carter rubbed her back and set her on the couch and I was next to her. 

        For the next few hours we starred at the blank TV and listened to the boys talking about a therapist for the both of until we're able to grasp Nialls death. Carter was sitting in front of Raelynn on the floor trying to get her to reach to pain, for the fact that he was cracking her foot. She didn't even flinch when he did it.

        I sat next to Noah and watched the TV, with nothing on the screen still, and tried to remember my family whole again. It was hard since it was never really whole in the first place. Dad was always doing something and mom was always crying or in therapy. Maybe before Leigh or I was born it was a better family. But I couldn't remember everyone being happy at the same time anymore. 
        "Why does this always happen to us," I accidentally said.

        "Same here," Raelynn said to me, without looking at me of course, but it still confused me.

        "What are you talking about?" I asked her.

        "My parents got a divorce, I got these tattoos, my mother sent me here with Noah." She started to list of the things of what happened to her. 

        I started to zone back into the world but I quickly zoned back out and tried to remember Niall happy. And the only times that came up were when he was with Raelynn or with me and Leigh when we were babies. But any other time he was training in the boxing ring for the next match that mom wouldn't make and dad would be too drunk to even attempt to go. 

        Nothing's the same anymore. It hasn't been the same and now its worse without Niall to protect us. 

Yeah Niall's dead. Theres going to only be like two more chapters but don't hate me. Please. ~Nemo

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