chapter 5

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[Shanks POV]

I was really surprised when Lilly bumped into me since captain Roger never found me I figured he gave her to someone else to take care of her but here she is in my arms as I try to keep her from seeing Roger get executed but to no avail she's strong for a two year old girl and she managed to get her head free from my hold and saw the execution. She screams so loud it could have shattered glass. The weather gets bad quickly and before I knew it she had burst into flames I ended up dropping her in surprise when the flames die out she's standing there shaking in anger.

"Lilly sweetheart calm down please."

I reach out to take her back in my arms but she draws the sword captain Roger had made for her for defense purposes only and walks away from me ice forming at her feat as it storms raining snowing and hailing all at the same time.
Marines try to restrain her but plants burst through the stone ground and wrap around them lifting them up. She walks over to the platform and jumps up with little effort and stares at Rogers headless body the executioners point their bloody swords at her but she simply swings her sword and slices them in half. More marines come after her but she fights them off.

"LILLY!!! Stop it now!!!!" I yell over the storm.

At first I thought she didn't here me but then she stops frozen in her tracks, the storm stops and the plants disappear. As reinforcements scramble over their dead comrades Lilly wobbles and falls over the edge. Fear and adrenalin race through my body and I rush over to catch her but before I could get there Garp catches her instead and I slide to a halt. I love Lilly she's like a daughter to me but I know I can't handle vice admiral Garp on my own. I'll have to come back with reinforcements.
I'm sorry Lilly but daddy isn't strong enough to save you right now. Just be patient and I'll come back.
I run off before I could get caught myself.

[Lilly's POV]
I wake up startled from a bad dream and I look around quickly. From the interior of the room and the steady swaying motion I can tell I'm on a boat but what boat? Pops? Daddy? Then the door opens and I tense I see a tall strong mean looking guy. The same guy that was talking to grandpa Roger. Not as intimidating as pops but close enough I try to move my arms but quickly realize I'm cuffed to the bed.

"Don't bother that's sea stone it's indestructible and you can't use your powers." The man says.

So that's why I feel so weak. I close my eyes and think. Then open my eyes and look at him.

"I'll make a deal with you. For my freedom I'll take you to the island Grandpa Rogers baby will be born on."

His look becomes steely and cautious.

"How could you possibly know?"

"I've been on his ship since the day I was born."

"And how old or you?"

"Two ish." I turn two in October so...

"Your smart and strong for a two year old. We could use someone like you in the marines."

"Freedom or no information!"

"You Cheeky little brat! Fine!"

He comes over and unlocks the cuffs. I sit up and rub my wrists before getting out of bed and leaving the room.

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