chapter 3

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Ok time for chapter 3 please enjoy.

[About a year and a half later On a small boat in the middle of the ocean]
Little Lilly sits there hugging her knees a strand of her curly blonde hair falls in her face as she stares at the empty waters.
"Grandpa where are we going I'm bored." She whines like any child with nothing to do.
"We are visiting a friend of mine. We'll be there soon so please just be patient." Roger replies as he stares at something in his hands then scans the waters
She blows the strand of hair out of her face.
"But I'm bored why did we have to leave aunty Rouge I miss her and I miss the crew they were so fun!"
"I know princess but for now let's just focus on getting to my friend."
"How long will that take?"
"Not very long. Look." He points to a spot on the ocean. "That's his ship right there."
She looks then smiles.
"I have an idea! Watch this grandpa!"
She stands in the middle of the boat and closes her eyes the boat starts to move faster and soon they are speeds on a huge wave and crash land on the ship Roger was pointing to Lilly is laughing hysterically.
"Lilly!! Lilly!! Are you okay!!?" Roger looks at her worried.
"That was AWESOME!!! Can we do it again please please please please!!!!"
"You could have gotten hurt!!"
She pouts. "Your no fun"
"That was quite an entrance Roger."
"White beard. It's been a long time."
"How about some sake for old time sake?"
Lilly looks up at the man and gets scared at how big he is. She changes into a tiny white kitchen and hides under Rogers hat. He takes her from his hat and holds her in his arms then drinks some sake.
"So what brings you here?"
"I have a favor to ask."
"Let me guess it has something to do with that child. Now kitten in your arms."
"Yes. I would like you to take care of her for me. I was originally planning to ask a crewmember if mine but I cannot find him. I've had her since day one."
"Since you are already here I don't see why not."
"Thank you" he looks down. "It's alright Lilly he won't hurt you"
She looks up at him then changes back into a little girl but she stays in his lap with his arms around her both men chuckle then something catches her eyes she looks up too see a firey blue bird she watches in awe as it circles once before landing.
"Welcome back mother hen" a guy says.
"Shut up thatch!"
"Marco please watch your language we have a child on board."
"We do?" His eyes land on Roger and Lilly as she crawls out of his lap and runs to him she reaches for his hand needing to stand in her toes to get close and flames come from her fingers attracting his blue flames. Marco bends down and gently holds her hand the two flames dance together she's watches them in awe.
"You have devil fruit powers at such a young age?"
"What a devil fruit?" Her voice so soft sweet and cute the whole crew goes awww.
Marco studies her and notices she also has a sword at her waist he's about to ask why when.
"Well I must be going." Roger says as he stands. "Thank you white beard for agreeing to take-..."
"No! Don't go!!" Lilly forgets about Marco and his blue fire and runs to Roger clinging to his legs.
"I'm sorry princess but I have to go"
Picks her up and hands her to Marco.
She screams and cries the weather gets violent and crazy the waves raises to extreme heights making the ship rock uncontrollably fires start ice forms plants grow it rains snows and hails all at the same time.
White beard uses haki and she passes out going limp in Marco's arms.
Roger sighs. "Thank you again for agreeing to care for her"
"Don't worry old friend we can handle her" white beard reassures him.
With a final look at Lilly Roger leaves.
"That is some pretty intense magic powers for a little girl. People would pay good money for that." Teach says as he watches Marco cradle her.
"I will never allow that to happen!!" Marco snaps protectively
"Now now my son's no fighting. Marco take her to your room and let her rest"
"Yes pops."
And with that Marco leaves carrying Lilly in his arms.

Hello. It's Deathgirl1929.
I noticed that this story has 15 reads witch is a lot more then I expect so for those few that are reading this so thank you. Please feel free to comment and all that other stuff if you want and I hope you stick around and enjoy the rest of it.

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