~ Chapter 41 - The A Team ~*

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I fluttered my eyes open as I was being moved quickly and I looked at my surroundings. I was on a gurney. And I was in the hospital.

Everything started to come back to me. The crash. Harry. Being stuck. Jayda. Jayda!

"Get me up!" I screamed, trying to pull my arms free.

"Honey, Honey, calm down," A nurse at my side said.

"I'm not going to calm down! I was in a car crash. My friend is hurt! Don't help me! Help her!" I cried, finally getting my hand free. I reached over and started fumbling with my other hand, trying to free it.

"Don't you worry, your friend is being helped. I'm just helping you with my friends."

I looekd around and realized with the lady next to me, there was a man at my feet and a woman at my head, pushing the gurney down the hallway.

They both gave me a smile before focusing on where they were going.

"But I'm fine! I need to go see my friend!" I screamed.

"We need to make sure you're okay first, Darling," the woman said, patting my hand that i was trying to get loose.

"I'm fine! I'm not hurt! My friend has glass and the airbag and," I stopped and started to hypervenilate.

The woman frowned and the nurses pushed me into a room. The man at my feet went over to a cabinent and grabbed an oxygen mask, placing it on my face.

I tried pushing it away but the man kept it on my face until I stopped hyperventilating. When he confirmed my breathing was fine, He strapped the arm i got loose down and started to give me a look over. He moved all my limbs to make sure I didn't break anything.

"I'm fine!" I kept repeating, "I need to go see my friend. Please."

He smiled, "I'll let you go in a minute, okay. I just need to make sure you're fit as a fiddle first!"

For some reason, just hearing those words, calmed me down. I nodded and relaxed as best as I could, which made the doctor smile.

After the Doctor gave me a full check over, he nodded and upstrapped me, saying, "You're all good to go. Now, I'm sure you want to go visit your friend..." he trailed off.

"Yes!" I cried out.

He looked at me sadly, "She's in Room 926, Darling."

I ignored his look and ran out of the room, running through the hall. Though I couldn't find the right room. Out of breath, I asked a nurse where room 926 was.

She gave me a puzzled look. "That's in the Critical Care Unit."

My heart dropped, "T-the Critical Care Unit?"

"Yes, hun. Level 2."

I stood for a second longer before racing over to the stairs and running up to the next level - Level 2 - where I finally found the room I was looking for.

I stopped outside for a second, catching my breath, before I slowly pushed open the door and walked in.

I wasn't ready for what layed inside. Jayda was in the bed, the sheets white. She was already cleaned up. The glass was out of her arms and were bandaged. And she looked normal. Kinda. She looked super pasty and pale. Just not right.

I looked to the nurse in a chair against the side of Jayda's bed and when she saw me walk in, she gave me a weak smile.

"Hi, I'm her best friend. Pracically sister since birth," I said, unsure of whats going on.

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