~ Chapter 11 - Desicions ~*

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After going to my room and changing into a pair of white washed skinny jeans, a deep purple pull - over, and baby blue converse, I grabbed my keys to the famous black van. I silently thanked security for giving us an extra key for some running around.

As the van growled to life, I pulled my hair away from my face and pulled it into a loose bun, shorter tendrils falling around my face. I cursed, frustrated. Frustrated at Harry because of him being a jerk, at Niall for admitted his crush on me in the first place, and finally because I didn't have any bobby pins. You know that feeling when you're so mad, everything that doesn't happen how you want it, pisses you off? Yeah, well I'm in that mood.

I shoved the van into drive and started away from the flat. I got to the outskirts of the city, thinking that the traffic would just be hectic, when I realized something. I have no clue in hell where they were staying.

"Dammit, Harry!" I screamed, the windows sound proof so no passer-bys could hear. I pulled off to the side of the road and pulled the key out of the ignition. I slammed my head back and against the headrest. I sat that way for a few moments and then my phone went off, that still - annoying ring tone going off making me even more incredibly pissed.

Without looking at the caller ID, I picked up the call and yelled, "Dammit, Harry! What the hell is wrong with you!" into the speaker.

"...Ellie?" said a voice and it wasn't Harry's.

"Jayda? Oh damn, I'm sorry. I thought you were-"

"Yeah, Harry, I know. Anyway, I just wanted to give you something..."

I frowned, "But, I'm not home. You know that. I took the van."

I heard her smirk through the phone, "Yeah, I know. But what I wanted to give you was the boys' address."

"H-how did you know I was going there?" I stuttered.

"Because you'd be crazy not to."

I sighed, "Yeah, I guess you're right. And, wait. How did you get their address?"

"I, um, don't be mad with me, but I texted Liam as soon as you left the flat..."

"Jayda Samantha Dargo! How dare you! I can't believe you did that!" Pissed mood, activated. After a minute of yelling at her, I stopped and whispered, "What's their address?"

She told me and hung up, not saying a word more.

I grimaced at her reaction and entered the address into the van's built in GPS. After a few seconds of calculating, the automated voice called out, "CONTINUE FORWARD TILL YOU REACH THE NEXT RIGHT."

I followed the directions, cooling down my emotions and finally pulled into a parking lot. I peeked through the windshield up at the flat and took a deep breath. I climbed out of the van and locked it behind me. I quickly shuffled in the front doors and up to the bell boy.

"Um, excuse me?"


"Um, do you know what floor room 627 is on?" I asked, tucking a loose tendril of hair behind my ear.

He gave me a skeptical look, "Yeah. It's on the 100th floor. The penthouse."

My jaw must of dropped all the way to the ground because the bell boy who looked around 30-something, chuckled.

"You must know some real, big pop-star."

"Um, yeah, something like that," I said, picking my jaw up off the floor. Good god those boys are rich. "Anyway, thanks for the help...."


"Micheal," I finished.

He gave me a smiled and stepped closer to me and I tensed, unsure of what he was doing. "Good luck with Harry," he whispered into my ear and I scrambled away from him and towards the elevator, rapidly clicking the button. I snuck a look at him over my shoulder and he was smiling at me. When he caught my eye, he gave me a polite nod and walked back to the check - in desk.

The elevator dinged, opening up and I jumped into the empty elevator. I clicked the '100' button and the doors closed, taking me up. I shook slightly from the man who somehow knew everything. Or at least some of it. I stood there for a moment and collected myself and looked at the floor level number.


Are you freaking serious? The elevator is so freaking slow. I pawed at my pocket that was placed at the front of the pull over for my phone. But there was no rectangular shaped bulk. I groaned, just then remembering I had left it in the van.

After a few minutes of tapping my foot to the annoying elevator music, I finally got to the top floor - the penthouse - and where the boys were staying.

The elevator doors slid open and a small hallway appeared on the other side.


Well at least I know this is the right door, I thought. I took one last deep breath and straightened my shoulders, walking up to the door. I placed my hand on the knocker - fancy, right? - and pounded it two times.

I heard someone scrambling on the other side of the door and some yelling. I could just make out "Harry!", "Get up!", and "Door!"

Finally, the yelling stopped. I sighed and turned around, walking down the short hall. I tapped the button again, and the elevator was still there from when I came up, so the doors opened and I stepped in. I tapped the main floor button and the doors stayed open a moment longer before slowly starting to slide close.

At this moment, the penthouse door decided to burst open, one of the boys falling out. I winced.

"Ellie, wait!"

I froze in my tracks. It wasn't a British - tinged voice that called my name. It was an Irish one.

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