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I woke up to what I usually woke up to everyday since I was 9.  The sound of beer cans and bottles being kicked around and my dad swearing as he did it. I have always been scared of him as long as I can remember. You just never know about him when he has had a few beers. I wanted to try to get dressed quietly, so I could sneek out without being seen.

I put on a pair of black skinny jeans and a random band tee with my black converse. I did my make up like I usually do and then dry teased my hair. Once I had finished I waited until I heard him go to his room so that I could leave for school. I was almost out the door when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

" Where do you think your going you worthless bitch" he said in that god awful tone of his.

I took a deep breath and said " To school".

He gave me a look and said " Ohhh really'. As he was saying this I felt his hand move to my arm and then down to my wrist. I then felt myself tense up and then a sharp pain went through my wrist. I think he might have broken it I don't really know.

I didn't make a sound fearing that he would try it again. He finally let go and threw me to the ground. " GO get out of my damn sight" he said as I began to run out the door. I felt tears start to flow out of my eyes as I continued to run in the direction of school.

I have been abused like that since I was in like fourth grade. That is when everything went down with my parents and my dad became a more frequent drinker. He would get drunk everynight and then I would get hit or thrown across the room or anything that would hurt me.

I stopped in my tracks and put my headphones in. I turned it all the way up and turned on New Religion by Black veil brides. It is one of my many favorites from them and I just needed music at the moment.

I was so early for school, but I didn't care. I just sat outside and waited until I was aloud in the building that caused a lot of my pain. I have like a total of four friends and I knew none of them would be here so I sat by myself and blarred my music.

I was listening to music when I saw  dark figure stand in front of me. I didn't look up right away, I just took in the shoes and the color jeans the figure wore. They had on all black converse and black jeans. I paused he music, took out the headphones and looked up.

I saw a rather cute guy standing there and he looked kinda like me style wise. To my amazment he had on a Black veil brides shirt on and a ligh amount of eyeliner. I gave him a confused look and he finally broke the silence by saying " Hi".

" Hi" i said back I wasn't really in the mood to talk, but I didn't want to be rude. " I'm Grant... are you okay?" he asked me.

" I'm Blaze and I have been better" I responded. He looked at me kinda funny aand then he asked me what was wrong.

I didn't want to talk about it, so I just nodded nothing. " Come on I know something is wrong, look at how your holding your wrist" he said back to my nod. I couldn't get over that he noticed my wrist most people wouldn't have. I tend to come off invisible to people unless they are trying to beat me up.

" I had some problems this morning thats all" I responded because I knew that he wouldn't give up on the subject.

" I am not gonna bother you about what happened, but can I see it?... My mom is a paramedic and I am pretty sure I could help" he said back. I nodded and then he took my wrist out of my other hand. I was kinda worried he would see the array of cuts on my arms and ask, but to my surprise he didn't mention them.

" Does this hurt?" he said as he bent my wrist a certain way. I nodded with a painful look on my face.

He pulled on it again and then another way before letting me know what he thought was wrong with it. He gave me a sorry look because I guess he had noticed the looks I had made.

" Well I would say it is just sprained, nothing serious... I will wrap it if you would like me to" he said back trying to get on my good side. I just shrugged my shoulders, it really didn't make a difference to me it could happen again so it is whatever.

As he let m wrist go back to my other hand there was a staff member that came out and let us know we could go in. I got up and he led me to his locker where he looked around it for an ace bandage. The only place we were allowed was our lockers and the library beings school wasn't started yet and we were the only ones there.

He made me sit down and he pulled my wrist away from my good hand without managing to hurt me anymore than I already was. He began to wrap my wrist. " Is that too tight?" he asked me.

" No it is fine" I answered. He hooked the ace bandage and then I thanked him for what he had done. He nodded to my thank you.

I was still in shock that some one was actually taking interest in me. It had  been so long since someone had done that. " So what happened?" he asked curiously.

" My dad happened" I answered trying to hold back some tears. He gave me a sorry look back and said " I know the feeling it used to happen to me too, but my mom took me away from him".

I nodded and he asked about my cuts. " I like the pain, it washes all of my sorrows away and makes everything okay".

He looked at me and said " It isn't worth it, it isn't worth dying". I nodded that I understood what he was saying and I tried to change the subject.

" So your into BVB too?" I asked.

" Yeah love them, I am trying to get warped tickets but it isn't easy" he explained.

" The only thing keeping me alive is them" I said back. At that moment the bell for first period rang and students began to flood in. " Look I will catch up with you sometime" he said as we parted from each other. I nodded and headed for my dreadful first period.


So this is my new story let me know what you think.. sorry if the beginning  is kinda lame it will get better so VOTE COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next upload: tonight or tomarro

~We will be Unbroken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~

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