Chapter 9

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I woke up earlier than usual, I guess because I had so much on my mind. Denial was still alseep and she is abut the heaviest sleeper on the planet earth so I just let her sleep. Today was actually Friday believe it or not and I really didn't wanna go to school. I knew Denial wasn't going so I decided not to either.

Fuck, I was suppose to text Grant when I got home.  I guess I will go see him sometime. Denial had said she wanted to see him so I tried to wake her up.

" DENIAL GET YOUR ASS UP NOW!!!!!!!" I yelled into her ear. I waited a moment. Nothing. I tried again.

" DENIAL I HAVE BVB TICKETS AND IF YOU GET UP WE CAN GO!!!!!!" as soon as the last word came out of my mouth her ass was standing up wide awake.

" Just kidding, but we gotta go see Grant" I said as she made her way back down to sleep.

" I will go later you go now" she whined as she attempted to sleep again.

" Fine, I will be back later" I said as I exited her room to go change and do my hair and make up.

I had packed a lot of my clothes because I wasn't sure when I would be going back to my hell hole of a home.  I pulled out a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and an Asking Alexandria tee. I had both my combat boots and my converse. I chose to wear my combat boots.

As soon as I was done with picking out my random outfit, I went to the bathroom and did my hair and make up. I dry teased my hair giving it a lot of volume and then did my usual dark make up. I had done a cat's eye and made my eyes look super dark. I finished my look off with some blood red lipstick.

I walked back into Denial's room and she was asleep again, surprise surprise. I grabbed my board,keys, phone and I put on my studded leather jacket. I climbed back out the window because I felt too lazy to walk all the way downstairs and plus it was easier.

She is on the second floor, but there is a thing with roses on it that I climb on all the time. It was getting kinda wobbly I hope it doesn't break or I will have to climb up the side of the house. Once I reached the bottom of the rose thingy I dropped my board and stuck my phone in my pocket. I hopped on my board and I was off yet again.

The sidewalks here are so fucked up, so I have to make my way around all of the holes and shit in them. If I didn't I would have fallen flat on my fucking face. I had also put my headphones in so they would have been ripped out if I had fallen. That would have sucked ass.

I was on my way to see Grant and I was almost to the hospital when I was stopped by a farmiliar looking foot. It had a heel on it and the heel was ugly and pink. That could only mean one thing, Brooke.

" Hey emo going somewhere?" she asked her words sounding kinda slurred. It was a little early to be drinking, wouldn't you say.

" Yes I am Brooke" I said with an attitude.

" I don't thi... I don't think... I dont think so" she managed to spit out.

" Well look hoe I think so, so if you don't mind moving and I will be on my way" I said pushing her a little.

She blinked a lot and then finally looked at me and said " Just go you fucking cutter".

I managed to spot a 1/5 of vodka in her bag. She had been drinking that and plus I smelled alcohol on her. She moved to the side without falling, which is a miracle. I looked back to her on the ground almost in tears.

I knew I was going to regret this, but I went back because I am a nice person. Even to bitches. Even if she made my life hell.

I let out a sigh and said " Brooke whats wrong". I felt the regret already.

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