Chapter 2

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I walked into Mrs. Powell's room to the usual chatter and tormenting. I immediatly went over to where I usually sat by myself. I have mentioned before I don't have many friends and with my luck of course none of them are in my class.

Nobody really acknowledged me when I came into the room, no surprise there. So I just went on about my buisness. I felt a tap on my shoulder and then I felt my face hit the floor. " Fuck" I mummbled to myself. I was on the ground as I looked around to see Caitlyn standing there. She is the Queen bee of my school.

" Oooops freak!, didn't see you there" she said in that barbie bitch tone.

I took a deep breath and tried to get up off the classroom floor. It wasn't the first time that had happened, but I fucking hate when she does that shit. You wanna start shit, come over to me I will fucking fight you and make sure you are brutally hurt. I could be like Ronnie Radke and decide I wanna throw you across the parking lot like he wants to do to Craig Mabbit.

As I was pulling myself up I felt a foot hit my back.  It wasn't just any foot, it was a bitch with stilettos. I could feel her heel digging into my back. I wan't going to give her the satisfaction of knowing it hurt. I kept breathing deeply so that I wouldn't let out a noise that made me surrender.

" Try and get up you emo bitch" she said to me as she dug her heel into my back more.

I didn't feel the need to talk to that bitch, so I just laid there. " I said get up!" she yelled once more.

I knew what she was going to do if I tried, she must think I am a total idiot. I am way smarter than her though, I think her I.Q is like 5.

" You must have not of heard me freak show, I said GET UP!!!!!!" she said once more digging in my back with her shoes still.

" Get your fucking ugly ass shoes off of me and I will get up until then fuck no" I said to her in an annoyed tone.  She just gave me a look and didn't know what she was going to say next.

" Maybe if you weren't such an idiot you would let me the fuck up" I said trying to break the silence.

The room was still silent other than some jock saying " You got burned Brooke". She turned and gave him a dirty look insisting he shut up.

" What did you say to me?" she asked me.

" You fucking heard me" I said back irritated now. At that she dug that damn shoe into my back as hard as she fucking could. It hurt like a mother fucker.  I couldn't help, but let out a noise. My pain brought a smile to her face.

" Alright class take yor seats" Mrs. Powell said as she walked into the room. Everyone moved to their seats and I got up off of the floor and headed for mine.

She looked right at me and said " Take your seat". I cannot believe her. I know she saw the bitch do that to me and I know she saw the pain in my face. But she doesn't fucking care, how convient.

I went back to my seat and sat down, my day couldn't get much worst. Well beings she doesn't care about me screw her class. I put my headphones in and blocked it out with Black Veil Brides. I turned on Perfect Weapon blarring it and not caring who heard it.

We were about half way through class when she started to hand out papers for us to work on. " Miss Blaze, I pressume that your ipod is mine for the day" she said.

" No" I said back. She made a motion and told me to hand it over, which I wasn't going to do. " No" I said back.

" Young lady hand it over or it is a trip to the principal' she threatened.

"I don't fucking care" I said and got an appauled look back as she pointed to the door.

As I was headed towards the door I was tripped by Caitlyn. " My bad emo" she said as I hit the floor.

I tried to calm down, but I couldn't I snapped. " Look you blonde barbie bitch, if you do not stop fucking around and messing with me there will be hell to pay" I yelled furiouly trying to hold tears back.

I slammed both hands on her desk and then said " did you understand me?". Before she had the chance to answer Mrs. Powell told me to get out immediatly. I removed myself from the room before I really got myself in trouble.

I got to the principals office and she had a talk with me. " Why do I see you so often?.. can you not stay out of trouble?" she asked.

" Why don't you ask the barbies that bother me everyday" I said back. I pulled up the back of my sweatshirt to show her the makes they had made. " This is what they do" I said.

" I'm sorry dear, but I can't do anything about it' she said. Are you kidding me right now? Nobody fucking cares. My jaw almost hit the floor.

" Fine what the fuck ever' I said as I was dimissed from her.

I went down the hallway to the bathrooms and hunted for my blade in my pocket. I finally found it and made a small cut appear on my arm. I then let the blade dance across my arm again causing blood to pour out of my arm. I cut once more and let out a small scream.

I wipped off my blade and stuck it back into my pocket and wrapped my arm up to stop the bleeding. Then I was off to whatever death pit I had to go to next. Fuck the world nobody would miss me if I was gone.

I put my headphones in as I was walking up the hallway and blarred it gain trying to forget everything that had made m day start off bad.


So let me know what you think... I had some writers block so sorry if it sucks but vote and commnt and whatever!!!!

Next uploaad: tomarro sometime

Btw I was threatened to write this by BVBkenzie but that is ok I do it to her too.

We will be UNBROKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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