Chapter 5

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The last bell rang after my last class and I headed for my locker to get my things to leave. All I had to grab was my metallica messenger bag. As soon as I left my locker I headed for my bus out front of the building.

I always seem to get on the bus first in order to ot get bullied or hurt. I ran all the way to the back of the bus and sat in the very back seat. I noticed a girl sitting in the seat across the aisle from me. I don't recall seeing her before. I looked over and reached across to tap her on the shoulder. She flinched and looked back at me.

" I'm Blaze" I said trying to be as nice as I could. She smiled and said " I'm Trinity". I nodded letting her know that I understood and continued to make conversation.

" Ummm did I see you in the cafeteria today during second lunch?" I began. " You looked like you were looking for a teacher or a student" I added.

" Ohhh no I as lost" she said as she laughed a little. " I have some classes with you" she added.

" Really?" I asked. She nodded.

" I saw what happened today with Jesse in class" she said. I just made a weird facial to show I knew what she was talking about. How had I not notcied she was there, maybe it was because evertime I enter a room I get beat up. We continued to talk and then we saw some of the barbies coming.

I saw her tense up and she looked kinda worried that she would get beat up I guess. I put my hand on her shoulder and let her know she wouldn't. They don't come back this far in the bus. She nodded at me and turned back to talk.

They all piled onto the bus and sat in the middle toward the front. I saw one look back at me and I looked at her like what the fuck are you looking at. She was about to turn away when she noticed Trinity sitting in the seat next to me. This was not going to be good.

The plastic bitch got up and started to head back towards us. she gave me one of her fake ass smiles and looked right at Trinity with her demon eyes. I could see the fear in Trinity's eyes. I was beginning to fear for her too.

She tried to sit back as Brooke made her hand move toward Trinity. It was no use though whatever Brooke wanted to do she would do so there was no point in trying to back away. I just couldn't take it anymore, I know I hadn't been talking to this girl that long but I certainly was not gonna let this happen.

" Look Brooke just leave the poor girl alone" I said in a tone letting her know that she should back off.

" Why should I she is new and I figured I should initiate her" she said in that bitchy tone. Trinity still had fear in her eyes.

" I said leave her alone you stupid fucking whore" I said beginning to become angry with her.

She gave me a look of confusion and said " Do I really need to do it to you too, have you not learned".

Her gaze was taken away from Trinity and was moved to me. I didn't really get scared by her, I have been putting up with her since like first grade. She raised her hand in hopes of slapping me I assume. She went to hit me and I caught her hand.

" Look I have had enough for today and forever so why don't you take your little blonde barbie whore self back up to the front of the bus and there will be no porblems" I said furiously as I still had ahold of her wrist.

She tried to wriggle free, but it was no use I had her held tight. " Let me go you emo freak" she yelled. I nodded no and she just looked at me. She is really stupid, she lifted her other hand and tried yet again. I caught that one too.

" You really are a fucking idiot" I said to her in a demeaning tone. She still tried to wriggle free and I wasn't letting her go that easily.

" LET ME GO!!!!!" she screamed.

 " Nope not a chance" I said back to her.

" All I wanted to do was hit this bitch" she said pointing to Trinity and strugging.

" My point exactly you leave her alone or I can promise you that your pretty little arm is gonna be in pieces" I said in a threating tone.

She let out a fake laugh and said " You won't do that".

" Really I won't, Yeah right I believe I will bitch" I said. " I have you in the perfect position to snap it right now" I said giving her an intimidating look.

I felt her begin to give up and getting free and she had an expression on her face that let me know she was obviously thinking about something. She let out a sigh.

"Fine she is safe for today if you elt me go" she said. I nodded and let both of her wrists go.She looked at them to make sure I hadn't done anything to her I guess. She turned toward Trinity and gave her a demon look.

" You little bitch you have been saved today, but emo here can't save you all the time... I will get you eventually" She said. " Are we clear" she added.

Trinity just nodded as she had no words to say to the plastic btich standing in front of her. Brooke stomped all the way to the front of the bus and left us be for now.

" Thanks" I heard Trinity say softly as she fixed her black hair.

" No problem, she is a bitch and does that to me all the time" I said.

She was quiet for a while and didn't really know what else to saay other than thank you. I continued tot tell her it was nothing. I wasnt just going to sit back and let Brooke beat the sit out of her. We talked a little bit more and then i saw her gaze lower to my wrists.

She just pointed to them and I nodded. " I don't that often anymore, but it is hard to quit you know" I said to break the silence.

" Yeah I know I have cut before, but I try not to... I know how hard it is" she said back. I sat for a moment thinking of what we could talk about. Oh I got it, skateboarding.

" Do you skateboard?" I asked.

" Yeah I can't really do much, but I can skate" she replied.

" Epic, you should come with me and my friends tonight at the local skatepark" I offered her.

" I won't get beat up will I?" she asked in a humorous tone.

" No your safe there, they wouldn't come within miles of skatepark" I responded. " I will be there" she said back as I got up to get off.

"7 o'clock" I said as I exited. Now I was off to get ready to skate tonight, it is going to be so fun. I have to find Denial though she wasn't at school today. Gosh that child.


Well what do you guys think??? sorry I havent writen in a few days I had writers block and then I got lazy and didn't feel like it.... Well comment and vote

Next upload: tomarro or as soon as I can

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