Chapter 8

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I felt his hand turn me around and I knew this was not going to end well. I tried not to show the small amount of fear I had inside. I could tell he was drunk when I looked up at him because I couldn't read his eyes very well and his pupil were smaler than ususal.

" Where have.... where have.... where have you been" he managed to slurred out as he stuttered.

" No where of your concern" I said in a snappy tone.

" Oh really?" he said very slurred this time. I could barley understand him. He grab my wrist and I pulled away before he managed to get a grip.

" Yes now let me go and why don't you go get another fucking drink" I said in a louder tone of voice.

He pulled my arm and yanked me around so that my arm was twisted and he had a grip on me. " What did you say to me you fucking slut?" he asked as he twisted my arm more. I was not about to let him have the satisfaction of knowing ut was beginning to hurt.

" You heard what I fucking said" I snapped and let out a small yell as he bent my arm completly back and twisted.

I felt his grip loosen, but I wasn't sure why. I felt his other hand move to his pocket and he pulled out his pocket knife. I heard it open and he began to mummble somethings to me, but he was hard to understand.

" Alright you fucking bitch I know you will do this youself anyways, so I might as well get the enjoyment of doing it myself" he said as he laughed.

I felt the blade of he pocket knife slice my arm and then again and then again. He laughed as he did this and started on my other arm. It hurt so bad, it wasn't like when I do it. This actually hurt me in a bad way.

" Please stop, please" I said trying not to scream.

" Ohhh I am just getting started" he said to plead. The only thing I could think of was him hitting one of my vains and myself bleeding out. Stop I need to be positive about this even though it was impossible to do that.

I felt another slice dance across my arm and I could feel the warm blood rush out. He ran out of space on my wrists to cut so he start to cut my hand. That hurt even worst than what he had already been doing.

" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I screamed. As I did this he pushed me to the ground and made my face push against the carpet.

" Have you had enough whore???" he asked in his evil tone.

" Yes please let me go" I said trying to hold back all the awful feelings I had inside. At that he dropped me sso the rest of ym body hit the floor and he kciked me. Then he said " NOW GO!!!!".

I got up and ran to my room, I picked up my metallica bag and shoved some clothes into it. I was going to wrap my arms and hand, but I didn't know if I would have time and be able to get out too. So I just climbed out my window and ran as fast as I could. I ran all the way to Denial's house.

I ran to her window and banged on it. " Denial!!!!" I yelled at the window.

I got no response to my yell, so I banged somemore. I saw a sleepy Denial open her window. She still looked a little groggy because she wasn't quite awake.

" Yes Blaze what do you need?" she asked in a sleepy tone.

" Can I stay here tonight??" I asked.

" Why what is wrong????" she asked in a concerned tone. She was more awake now.

" Let me in and I will tell you" I said. She did as I asked and opened her window and I climbed in to reveal all of my cuts and how disgusting I looked at the moment.

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