Chapter 7

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Grant had tried that complicated trick and fell. I was talking to Lily about how I thought he wasn't going to pull this trick off and I was right. I saw him fall and something inside me made me run to him immediatly. He looked pretty banged up when I got over to him.

After I had ran over to him I leaned down to see how banged up he was. He had fell the typical way people do doing that trick. He landed on his leg and it was not looking good. He was holding his leg and wincing in pain at the moment. It looked to me that he had torn something or had broken it by all the painful facials and noises he made.

" Someone take him to the hospital or call an ambulance" I said in a demanding tone.

They all looked at me for a few moments and then I made an intimidating face and they all scattered to do as I asked.

" Hang in there Grant we are getting help" I said to the injured boy laying infront of me.

I looked around for a few moments hoping to see someone had done what they were told. I was growing impatient, I don't like to see people in pain like this unless I really had some hate for you. I stood up and wait for a few more miutes as I tapped my foot. Finally  Lily came over.

" We need to get some of the guys to carry him to my truck, go ask" she said to me.

I walked over to a group of guys that were standing together watching all the madness and holding their boards.

" Hi guys can you do me a favor?" I asked. They all nodded and one spoke up and asked " what is it?".

I looked over at Grant and then back to them and said " We need you to help us carry him to Lily's truck".

They nodded in agreement to this and followed me over to where Grant was still laying. I mean it isn't like he was gonna get up and move somehwere else. There was for guys I had asked. Two of them picked him up by putting their hands under his shoulders and lifting. The other teo tried to pick him up by his feet. It was going to be hard because of his leg.

" Be careful please" I said to two of the boys.

" Don't worry we will" one said to me in a reassuring tone. That didn't really didn't make it that much better, but I just nodded so they would hurry up. I saw him make a few painful facials and I made the guys be a little more gentle with his leg.

Once we got him to the truck Lily had put the tailgate down and I jumped in the back along with Trinity, who I had been looking for. The guys slide him into the truck and shut the tailgate. Lily got in the cab and started the truck up.

The whole way there was silent neither of us really wanted to say anything, or had anything to say at that. It takes about 20 minutes to get to the hospital and there was a little traffic, so it took a little longer. Grant tried to move a little and let out a scream, why did he try that,

" Grant don't move your gonna hurt yourself worst" I said as I looked to Trinity.

She mouthed the words "what do we do" to me. I didn't really know what we were to do until we got to the hospital I didn't want to hurt him anymore than he already was. I just shrugged back to her. We went back to being silent and about five minutes later we were at the hospital.

Lily ran out of her truck and ran into the enterance where the emergency room was and where they let the ambulances in. In no time at all she was back with some guys and a stretcher. They moved  him onto the stretcher and began to move it into the building.

One told us we weren't allowed to see him or go with him until we were told so. Lily said she had to go back to the skate park, but she would be back when she could. So myself and Trinity just went and sat in the waiting room until we found anything out.

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