Chapter 4

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I got to my next class, which unfortunatly was math. I saw all of the normal people that I had class with, the ones who actually aknowledge me sometimes and aren't that mean to me. Then I saw the plastic barbie bitches sitting in their little click in the middle of the room.

I was walking to my seat and I felt alot of people staring at me. That is nothing new though, I felt like I could hear their thoughts. I knew exactly what they would say if I let their stares get to me.

I picked a seat a few rows away from the window because I knew none of the barbies would sit over here. I saw Jesse walk in and he was headed right for me. I felt my body tense up and I felt myself gulp every loudly. I just looked away so he couldn't see the fear in my eyes. I am pretty sure he can smell fear though.

" Hey freakshow, I don't think we were finished talking" he said in his stupid jockish tone.

" I don't recall talking to you" I said back.

" Oh well maybe this will spark your memory" he said as he pushed me out of my seat and I hit the floor.

I looked toward the floor and took a deep breath. I pushed myself back up of the hard cold floor and tried to get back into my seat. Once I was up on he floor I felt him push me again. I fell into the window sill.

I could tell there was a cut that had now appeared on my side where it had hit the window sill. I could feel the blood running down my side and I knew by now it was showing through my shirt.

" What is your..." I stopped myself because he obviously is a fucking meathead and isn't worth my time and effort.

" What is my what, come on what is my what you little emo bitch" he said. I just looked away and sat back down in my seat.

I saw Grant walk in and come towards me, I had no clue he was in this class with me. He came over and saw what had happened and I was anger start tos how in his eyes. " Jesse?" he asked me in a furious tone. I nodded and he proceeded to go over to Jesse.

" What do you want emo?" he asked.

" Leave Blaze alone and I mean it meathead" he said back with a furious smart ass attitutde.

" And who is gonna make me?" he said trying to make Grant back down.

" I will" he replied to him.

" Fine whatever, but you can't stop me" Jesse said, I could tell he was running out of comebacks.

Grant walked away from him and came back over to me. I kinda wished you couldn't see the blood coming from my side, I knew he was going to ask about it.

Before he could ask me anything our teacher came in the room. " Alright class time to get down to work" she said. She didn't even notice that I was bleeding or that anything. Nobody ever notices that I am hurt.

I saw a note land on my desk, it was all folded up. I unfolded it to she Grants writing on the page.

" Are you okay?" . I gave the note a look and wrote back to him.

I said " No not really, but I guess it si fine I am invisable anyways".

He looked at the note and then looked back at me with a look of dismay. He wrote threw the note back and I unfolded it again.

" Stop it, your not invisable because Raine and myself can see you and you said you have other friends, will you tell me what happened? or if there is any reason your bleed from your side?"

It made me feel better that he is trying to help, but I am invisable and I know it.

" Thanks, but it doesn't matter who sees me I still get picked on and beat up... Jesse pushed me down adn then when I got up he pushed me into the window and my side got cut" I wrote back.

Just as he gave me a look and was about to write back Mrs Gilly took our note and told him to get out of her room.

" I wanna go to, i was passing with him" I spoke up and walked out of her room following him. We were both sent to the office , but as if we went. We went to a a class room on the west side of the building that hasn't been used in years. He had stuff to wrap my cut.

" He is such a jerk" he said as he put antiseptic on the gash in my side.I just nodded and he continued to fix my side up.

" Does that hurt" he asked as I made a face toward the stinging sensation in my side.

" No pain doesn't bother me anymore"  I replied back kinda quietly.

" There you go sweetheart your all fixed up" he said as he finished wrapping me up. I just smiled and said " Thanks".

The bell rang and we had to go to our next class. " Well Grant I will see you tonight" I said as I walked out and he nodded.


Well I think this might suck but it is a filler for the next good chapters to come... Ummmm Commet and Vote!!!!

Next upload: tonight or tomarro if I have time

We will be UNBROKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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