Chapter 3

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I had to go to history next with Mr. Jenson as a teacher, gosh I hate him. I walked into his room with my headphones in my ears and was told to take them out. Fuck, what is up with teachers hating music?

I saw the usual crowd sitting in the room chit chatting about god only knows what. Probably just running their mouths like usual. I walked right over to where I sit so I could get this dreadful class over.

I felt tap on my shoulder for the second time today. It kinda scared me a little, I was hoping I wasn't going to get attacked again. To my surprise I saw that very cute boy from this morning... Grant. I was very surprised to see him, I guess because he is new he is in this class. I was thankful for that.

" You look lonley" he said. I nodded and he took the seat next to me. I must have had a look on my face that showed I was not having a great day, as if this morning wasn't enough.

" Are you okay?" he asked for the second time today.

" No not really" I said.

" What is wrong?" he asked me in a concerned tone.

" Well I went to first period and then got pushed on the floor and had a heel dug into my back and then the damn teacher didn't care and sent me to the principal and then she didn't fucking do anything" I rambled on about the situation.

" Are you kidding me? They can suck some" he said trying to make me feel better.

" Yeah my words exactly" I said back.

" You have lunch next?" I asked curiously. He nodded back to me and I said " You can sit with me then". He gave me a smile back and then we directed our attention to the front of the room where Mr. Jenson was talking. This class never seems to go by fast enough, he always drags it out so much.

I wasn't going to be stupid this time and pull out my ipod. One trip to the principals office is enough for the day. I decided to just block it out and wait until the bell rang for us to leave. I immediatly headed for the door when that bell rang.

I thought my ears were bleeding from all of that talking that stupid Mr. Jenson did. I was at my locker when I heard foot steps behind me walking by. I felt one move around me and shut my locker right when my hand was there.

" OWWWWWW what the fuck was that for???" I asked to the random person behind me.

" Ohhh that is wht that noise was when I tried to shut that random locker" Caitlyn said trying to play dumb. There is really no need for that though, she is already an idiot.

" Yeah you dumb bitch' I said back very vexed now ,I have had enough for the day.

She didn't have anything to say back so she just stomped off and in the time she was stomping off  her very ugly heel broke. I knew karma would get that bitch. Even if she is doing it very slowly. I shut my locker after I took my hand out of it.

I walked all the way to the cafeteria for lunch mumbling swears to myself and holding my stinging hand. I just remember that Grant was suppose to sit with me at lunch. That made my day a little better. I walked in and got in line for lunch and then went to where I usually sit by myself.

I had put my headphones in because I hadn't seen Grant yet.  I started to eat my lunch when I saw an unfarmiliar figure sit down.

" Hi" I said as I took my headphones out. " I'm Blaze" I continued.

" I know, I am sorta friends with Grant" she said back in response. I gave her a confused look, so she would explain.

" I am his little cousin" she said trying to explain to me the rest of the story. " I moved in with him and his mom and when they moved here so did I" she continued. I nodded letting know I understood.

" So where were you this morning?" I asked curiously to the random girl. " And can I know your name?" I asked again before she could answer my first question.

She nodded and said " I am Raine, and I was driven this morning because I didn't have all of my classes, they had to change a few". I nodded as I saw Grant come to sit down with us.

" I see you two have met" he said in a weird almost humorous tone.

We both nodded as we all began to eat our lunch. I could feel Raine's gaze drop to my wrists, although it didn't really bother me that much. I am kinda used to people staring at me. There was an akward silence.

" Ummmmm there was just a gay baby unicorn born" I said trying to break that god awful silence.

" What are you guys doing tonight?" I asked curiously. They both shrugged, " why" Grant asked.

" I wanted to know if you guys wanted to come and skateboard with me tonight, we do this whole thing where you go boarding at night that way you can go on all the cool private stuff" I explained.

" I can't really skateboard" Raine chimed in.

" No prob, I can explain it to you and teahc you some stuff" I said.

She gave Grant a look and he said " I can skate a little, but nothing really great".

I nodded and we continued to eat our lunch. " So are you in bitches?" I asked. They both nodded at me and we finished up our lunch. I saw a girl walk into the lunch room and she looked like she would fit in with us.

Although she didn't go line up to get lunch so I figured she was looking for a teacher. I saw Caitlyn eyeing her and I knew she wold be the next victim, but I can't be sure so we will have to wait and see.

The bell rang letting us know we were to go to class and the next lunch shift was coming in. " Bye guys meet me outside after school if I don't see you before then" I said as I got up from our table.

I felt someone push me as I got to the door and then I heard a jockish laugh. I turned around to see Jesse standing there. " See you in class freak show" he said as he stepped over me and moved along to class. I let out a sigh and got up off the floor and began to walk to my next class.


Well let me know what you think... Comment and vote. I think it is okay but idk

Next upload: Possibly tomarro if I have time

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