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''This is the 3rd alarm, I don't know why to put one if you just have to bang it  shut.'' Devyani Mehra angrily mumbled hearing the constant buzzing of alarms set at the intervals of 15 mins.

''Its fine Devyani. Our son has every right to be lazy, after all he  has been awarded star employee.'' Jatin Mehra tried calming his wife of 28 yrs. Theirs was an arranged match, but love blossomed sooner than expected. Even after so many years, Jatin was still madly in love with his wife, not just because she was beautiful to his eyes but because she was a woman of principles. Devyani was an awesome judge of personality and character, she never compromised on her principles not caring who was involved. She believed that a person shouls be just and unbiased in judging right or wrong. She had been Jatin's best friend for years and he too trusted her instinct when he felt stuck. 

 Devyani's eyes went to the clock, it was half past 10 in the morning and there was no sign of her son. After around an hour, their only son decided to bless them with his presence. ''Morning Mom, morning dad.''

''In few minutes it would be afternoon. I guess you can go back to sleep, get up tomorrow on time and we will accept your morning greetings.'' Devyani's reply was curt.

Tarun smiled at his mother's angry expression. She looked cute, he had taken his mother's good looks and his father's impressive physic . People who met him for the first time would take him to be a model.  Tarun was of one of those men who complimented clothes, nothing seemed out of place on him, and he was aware of the effect he had on people, mainly opposite sex. 

''Wouldn't you congratulate me for the award.'' He asked crashing down next to her.

''I already did, how many more times do you want me to congratulate you?''

''Mom, its a big thing. Everyone wanted to be where I am, there are people who have been working on it before I joined. Some are even senior to me, but they made me the face of the project. Aren't you happy?''

''I am, but there is no need to celebrate it daily. Now off you go and shower, you stink.'' Tanuj gave his mother a squeezing hug making her  groan in annoyance. She chuckled running away before she could retaliate.

''Its actually a big thing, aren't you happy about his success.'' jatin asked.

''You and I both know why is he being made the face of the project. Jatin he cashes his looks over his ability. We both know Praveen worked harder than him, yet he got the prize.''

''Its the era of smart work darling.'' Jatin tried justifying his son. Devyani shook her head, ''Jatin, smart can take you to heights, its only hard work that sustains that height. I hope he learns before his fall''

''Morning every one'' Sejal greeted the Mehra couple in a chirpy voice. She walked forward and bend down to touch their feet, Devyani stopped her, ''This won't work on me Sejal. try something else. Sejal fidgeted, she had been trying to impress Tarun's parents for past 2 years but all in vain. The families had known each other for ages and Devyani was well aware of Sejal's snobbish attitude.  She was aware how fake the girl could be to get what her desires fulfilled.  She had silently prayed that her son shouldn't fall for Sejal and god did answer them, for Tarun Sejal was just a childhood buddy. 

''Mom I am going out, will have lunch and dinner with my friends.'' Tarun informed walking out. Devyani kept her eyes on the door till he disappeared from her eyes, she was worried about Tarun's fascination for beauty. His friends , belongings everything screamed beauty. Other than Praveen , Devyani didn't rust any of his friends. She could see that he didn't understand that physical beauty was perishable, it deteriorates with time. All that remains is the beauty of soul,  her mind was made up, she soon had to find a girl suitable enough to ground her son.


''And here's your commission.'' Robin handed a handsome cheque to his favourite designer. Kajal Bisht. He was the  CEO of famous jewellery brand Enchanted. Since he had hired her, his company's designs have been talk of town. Her creativity was something unique, she drew her inspirations from everything around her. At 24 , Kajal was a famous name in the jewellery market. She had worked with a big brand as designer for 1 year and then started freelancing. Enchanted didn't wanted to let go the best designer and offered her the commission too good to be denied. She worked at her choice of hours demanding her choice of money. Robin adored her , she was beautiful. He brown eyes were mirror to her soul. He has known her for 2 years and every time they interacted she left a deep impression on his soul. Dressed in deep blue skinny jeans with a tucked in white shirt that outlined her perfect body beautifully.  She had kept the top button undone giving a beautiful view of her slender neck that looked attractive with a slender gold chain around it. Her 3 inches heels made her look a little taller than her already 5'8 height . She never tried to imitate anyone, she had own style which made her stand out.His eyes moved to her midnight dark hair were cut in layers that fell on the sides of her perfect oval face making it look more beautiful. She was intelligent , smart and a no nonsense girl, She treated all with respect and stood up for her views . He watched as she grinned looking at the whooping amount

''So what are you going to do with that money?''

''I am gonna take my parents on a holiday. My mom has been really dull since dad suffered the heart attack. '' She replied getting a little serious.

''Good ! Chose a place you can drive some inspiration from.'' Robin said rubbing his palms.

''All you want is a set of new designs. Right?'' She teased

''I have a company to run girl and its banking on your designs. Well any idea what would be your next collection of designs.''

''I am trying to do nature this time.'' She replied looking thoughtful. Robin stared at her , her bronze skin sparkled without any kind of shinning serum. He knew he was falling for her, but confessing to a strong girl like kajal was little difficult. She was an amazing friend and he didn't wanted to lose that friendship with her.  He decided to to talk to her once she was back from vacation. Kajal waved at everyone and walked out. Oblivious that her holiday destination would change the course of her life.  


I didn't wanted to write any other story this week so started this one. Next one would be after 10-15 days as I have a very busy schedule at work for coming 2 weeks. If I can, I will update. Next would be last love 2 and Dreams

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