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Kajal paced her room nervously, n few minutes she would move from being single to in relationship. Dressed in pink traditional attire she waited for her mother to call her to the main hall to begin the engagement rituals.  After pondering for a week, she had finally given in to the idea of getting into a relationship with Tarun. But now when d day had arrived, she turned cold. Since her relatives and extended family had seen Tarun's picture they had been going gaga over the handsome groom. They had been bragging how lucky Kajal was that the groom was ready to marry her

''You are so lucky !'' That's what Kajal had been hearing since morning. She wanted to ask all these people wasn't Tarun lucky to have her as a life partner ? Did all the name and achievements she acquired till now had no value compared to his looks. She felt a strange choking sensation filling her chest. She counted till 10 to calm her heart, The voices from other side of the door took her attention, she pulled open the door and stood against the railing watching the guests in the hall below. Everybody looked so excited; will it hurt bad if she backed out now? She shook her head to get rid of escapist thoughts; no one had forced her to accept the relationship. She went ahead on her will; she knew her mother too wanted it.

Her eyes went to Tarun who was being crowded by a group of her cousins busy taking selfies with him. He too seemed comfortable and enjoying all the attention being thrown at him. ''You look great'' Kajal smiled at her cousin for complimenting her, just when she had decided not to think negative her cousins words ignited the fire again, ''Umm ...don't mind, but I guess you should have used a little more foundation to look fairer. You are beautiful, but he is just too good.''

''He is, and I am good the way I am.'' The girl quickly retreated looking at Kajal's fiery eyes. The doubts started clouding her mind again. She recalled her previous interactions with Tarun, and absence of any of his friends made her think otherwise. She had invited her close ones but she couldn't find any of his friends; it wasn't likely that he didn't had friends because she noticed him enjoying the attention , then what could be the reason he didn't invite them ? Was he not comfortable about her?

Kajal blinked a couple of time to control the wetness that dreads to fall from her eyes. Moving back to her room she messaged Tarun asking him to meet her in the back lawn. Tarun excused himself after reading the message, he was little confused about her desire to meet him now. He made his way to the back lawn and found her standing with her back to him. He took slow steps to her, taking in her complete form ,''Hi!''

Kajal turned and locked her eyes with Tarun, ''Are you sure you want this wedding?''

''What made you ask this?''

''Traun, don't get me wrong but I want to know if you are really interested in marrying me and this is not some kind of pressure.''

''Kajal it was me who convinced you for this relationship.''

She smiled, ''That makes me all the way more doubtful. Why haven't you invited your friends?''

He frowned, ''I did, they couldn't attend for some reason.'' He replied trying best to sound calm. She kept her eyes glued to his face. Tarun took a step and held her by forearms, ''Will you now relax''

''Are you sure you want to marry me?'' She asked again, this time stressing a little more. He smiled and nodded, ''Yes.''

The couple exchanged the rings between the cheers and flashes. The families congratulated each other for the new bond. Devyani dawned a beautiful red stole over Kajal's head welcoming her formally, ''Thanks for accepting us.''

Kajal smiled at the elder lady, unlike her son Devyani's words sounded more genuine to her. The guests celebrated dancing and blessing the new couple. Tarun did join them when insisted, but for some reason Kajal just kept herself excluded. She only danced when Tarun pulled her along, he didn't wanted people around them to doubt about her silence. ''I know you dance well, I had seen you grooving on your birthday.''

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