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''Why don't you talk and put some sense into Kajal's head. Who leaves a husband for such a small issue.'' Sheela reasoned with her husband Arun, who had been calm since their daughter's return.

Arun folded the newspaper neatly. Taking his glasses off he met the angry eyes of his wife, ''And say what? Sheela Kajal is right in her decision, and they are not kids. Destiny tied them up after hiccups, it will lead them further.''

''You make it sound so simple, its her whole life.''

''Exactly, I don't want my daughter spending it with regret. Give her time , things appear clearer once the clouds of anger disperse.'' Sheela decided to end the conversation, though she had offered her complete support to her only child, her heart somewhere wanted her daughter to go back to her husband.

Kajal sat on her bedroom window, her eyes staring at the unknown. Her phone had been ringing no stop since she walked out on Tarun. When she didn't answer his number he tried his luck using all numbers possible, she answered one or two times thinking it to be her clients, but finding Tarun on the other side had now made her ignore all sought of calls. She glanced at her blinking phone turning her eyes away.

Arun stepped into his daughter's room , he watched her ringing phone and then her still form. He smiled, unconsciously she expected and wanted Tarun to call but denied that and this is why she neither she was turning it on silent nor off. He knew if he tried to reason right now she will take all of it negatively. Shaking his head he picked and answered the call, ''Kajal, its Robin.''

Kajal quickly took the phone from her dad, Robin shot as soon as he heard her voice, ''Why the hell you weren't answering my call? I was so worried''

''I never gave you the right to be worried and I don't work for you anymore.'' Her reply came curt. She wasn't the one to forget easily. After a moment of silence came an apology, ''I am sorry for being rude the other day.''

''You should be, now why did you call?''

Robin realised he had lost a good friend. Kajal wasn't the one to let things go easily. It was best to come to the point immediately. He took a deep breath , his tone turned professional, ''I have an assignment for you. The board wants you to exclusively work on it.''

''Oh! didn't you tell them I am married and that took adverse effect on my cretivity.'' She sounded sarcastic.

''Look I am sorry. Can you just come down so that we can discuss.'' Before he could add more the line went dead. Kajal threw the phone on the bed going back to the window. ''Why don't you take the assignment up?'' Arun asked

''I am not able to concentrate and I don't want to do it half heartedly .''

''Kajal, if you are looking to move out of the current situation, you will have to divert yourself. Take it up, its something you love and you can't be crying over that Tarun for whole life.'' Kajal didn't react, but Arun knew better. Caressing her head once he walked out of the room. He knew she will take his advice.


Tarun racked his fingers through his thick hair, it had been a week and Kajal refused to answer his calls. She did answer once requesting his support for annulment but he denied outright. There was no way he was going to break his marriage.

Walking into the kitchen he made himself a cup of coffee. Walking back to the hall, he made himself comfortable on the couch . Picking the newspaper , he sipped and made a face. It was too bitter for his taste. He wasn't a bad at making one, but had acquired the habit of coffee made by Kajal. Leaning back he recalled how she never missed to make one for him in morning and evening. He missed her greeting him with a smile. She had become a habit in a month, he shook his head . No she had become his friend and a good one. He had started enjoying her company and expected her every evening he came back

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