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Devyani's excitement could give a kids run for their money. She had been working round the clock to make the wedding of her only son an unforgettable affair. Jatin watched his wife of 3 decades, ''Someone is happy.''

''Why shouldn't I be? Since this lad is born this the only right decision he took.''

Jatin smiled, but knowing Tarun he too feared the unknown, ''Are we doing the right thing? Kajal is a great girl and I don't want anything going wrong with her.''

Devyani sat across her husband, ''I feared the same and openly discussed it with Tarun. He said he wanted to marry Kajal.'' She huffed and then smiled, '''My Son has many things I don't like, but one thing I love about Tarun is his dedication towards a commitment. I know it will take time, but this going to be the best couple.'' Jatin nodded

Tarun stared at his reflection in the mirror, his life was about to change completely. He will be responsible for another life as well. 'Marriage' The word resonated his ears , it is supposed to be a bond of love, union of souls. But in his case it was different, he wasn't in love with Kajal, not even a bit but he will have to learn to accept and care for her. It was his duty and responsibility now to look after her well being and happiness, he couldn't disappoint his parents could he? Tarun took a deep breath and undid the top buttons of his attire. This mess was created by him, his mind reminded and it was time he took the responsibility of it.

''hey man, what are you doing up here. Its time we leave.'' Praveen knocked the door of Tarun's room breaking his stance. Tarun got up, fixed his attire and placed the turban on his head. It time he faced his reality.


Kajal's heart started thudding as the excited bunch of her cousins and friends informed about the arrival of the groom. When alone in her room she paced around nervously, her jewels making creating a melody. She stared at her heena coloured hands, it still seemed to be a dream. Everything moved too quickly, she regretted not asking her mother for some more time to understand Tarun. She feared if she would match his expectation as a wife. 'He seemed to be a good guy' , her conscious soothed her tensed nerves . before her mind could debated more, a swarm of her excited friends and cousins dashed into the room , it was time for her vows and there was no looking back.

Kajal took slow steps towards the dais looking more off everywhere but at her groom. On being close to the dais a hand extended towards her , she looked up and found Tarun smiling at her, gesturing her the take his hand. Her confusions washed away as she joined her hand with his taking her place next to him.

The guests who were being invited to bless the couple and be a part of the celebrations, started what they were expected of. They dawned the hat of critic scrutinizing the couple in whispers; everyone had their own view about the ones taking their vows. For some the union happened because Kajal's family offered large dowry, while others believed that guy lacked something which made him settle with a girl darker than him. Some even predicted that the union won't last a year.

While Devyani ignored , Sheela looked worried. She emotionally stared at her daughter who sat repeating the vows after the priest, ''You don't look happy'' Devyani wrapped an arm around her childhood friend

''I am, but scared. Is this the right decision.'' Sheela's hope filled yet nervous eyes gave away her state of mind.

''Yes it is, in fact the best one and you won't regret.'' Her friend's words calmed her heart for now. She knew Devyani would take a very good care of her.

The couple now were seated beside each other as guests wished and congratulated them. Tarun's eyes went to Kajal, she sat with her eyes on her fiddling fingers. The colour of heena ran black brown upto her elbow. He recalled the old saying deeper the color of heena, deeper is the husband's love. That moment he felt it to be false, he had no feelings for the girl next to him. His eyes moved up, he couldn't deny that deep maroon attire qcomplemented her skin, she kept her make up minimal keeping her natural glow, ''Nervous?'' He asked breaking the ice

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