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''What have you said to Sejal's dad, I have been receiving calls from all around the world congratulating me on your engagement.'' Devyani was beyond mad. She was tired of the questions being thrown to her about her son's would be bride and her reason for keeping it in dark

''I said I am engaged to your friend's daughter.'' Tarun replied without looking at his mother

''And which friend's daughter? Does this friend exists  or I will have to invent or pray to god to miraculously make her appear with a daughter''

''Mom, just stay low for sometime and then we can tell it didn't work out'' He replied non-nonchalant

''What after that? Sejal will be here again with her parents , trying to be  the shoulder you can cry on to heel your broken heart.Why couldn't you tell her upfront that you don't like her that way''

''Mom, she is my childhood friend and I didn't wanted to break her heart.''

''No, you just wanted to be good in all books. A son who gave in to the wish of his torturous mother, you made me a villain in everybody's eyes '' She said turning away

Tarun was now worried, he never thought of the consequences of his lie. He thought after the propaganda of broken engagement he would be free of Sejal's proposal. But after what his mother mentioned had put him in dilemma again. 

The phone buzzed again and Devyani answered the caller as patiently  as she could. ''One more congratulating me on your engagement , you better find a way or I am going to break the bubble. Why you had to cook this story ?''

''Mom when her father landed at our door with proposal, all I cloud think of you wanting me to marry Kajal. Hence, I just made an escape story. '' Devyani didn't know what to say and Tarun didn't know why Kajal was the first thing that came to head.

For coming weeks all Tarun received was wishes for his coming life. His mother had warned him about clearing the misunderstanding soon. But if he accepted that he lied, his friends would hate him and brand him as a liar. He felt trapped in his own web of lies, his nights were filled with dreams of being a laughing stock among his peers. His desire to be in good books and being good to all has now landed him in trouble. After twisting turning for all night about all the girls he knew , he couldn't think of one girl he wanted to marry. Sejal was definitely never on the list and then he recalled a pair of fiery brown eyes. 


''It would have been good if you would have agreed to marry Kajal, I would be receiving these wishes in real.'' Devyani ranted on receiving another call asking for a party. The curiosity level of her peers was at peak, the secrecy around the bride was making them doubtful. On the other hand Sejal had been visiting them a little too much and Tarun wasn't allowing his mother to speak the truth blackmailing her emotionally.

''I am ready to marry Kajal''

''Have you hit your head somewhere?'' Devyani asked her son who suddenly seemed to have been infested by an alien gene. She had a doubt if the one she was speaking to was her son or some ghost who had acquired her son's form.

''Mom!'' Tarun felt little irritated, after thinking for straight 4 days he had gathered the courage to speak and now her irrational questions has been draining him off his courage. He took a deep breath, ''yes mom, you heard it right I am ready to marry Kajal.''

There was crashing sound , he jumped when he found mother had dropped the big china bowl that she held in her hand. ''Mom watch out''

''First tell me what made you take that decision , are you having temperature.'' Tarun held his mother's arm who seemed to be determined to find one part of his body affected with fever. Tarun walked his mom to the main hall and gently pushed her down on the couch, ''Mom, I thought about what you said. I thought about my interactions with Kajal. Yes, she is different a lot different from me, but I guess our difference would make our journey beautiful.''

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