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The function turned out to be a fun affair as the new couple could hardly keep there hands of each other earning glares and laughs from the extended family, ''It must be beautiful to be in love.'' Kajal said watching the couple.

''Love? Theirs is an arranged match, two weeks back she was all gaga about her senior at college and now she is in love with him.'' He said tongue in cheek.

Kajal looked at the couple and then him. Giving him you are so judgmental look. He smiled understanding her silence. She frowned ,''there is nothing to smile. Her senior might just be a crush and she must have fallen for her fiance. Ever heard of love at first sight.'' She retorted butting her explanation forward.

''Oh Please don't tell me you believe on that. I can understand my cousin saying that but not you....Please Kajal say this is false.'' He begged dramatically. She kept a straight face then smiled, yes she too didn't believe in love at first sight. He took a dramatic breather, ''Thank God!''

She slapped his arm, ''Enough of drama.''

He chuckled, ''On a serious note, like any other feeling love too needs time, space and understanding to nurture and grow. ''

''What would you say about the relationship which doesn't even have slightest of chance and are bound into loveless bond. Isn't it right to break such bonds.'' She asked hinting towards their relationship.

He replied after a minute, ''Not without giving it chance , love is not always the binding source. Has this been true, there would have been no divorces in Love Marriages but they happen and now are quite frequent. ''

''But there are certain mistakes which cannot be ignored.'' She said her eyes locked with his, blaming him for the situation.

He read the hurt in them, gulping the dryness he replied, ''humans commit mistakes, Gods don't. I know I have committed enough to be hated for life but I am trying.'' Their eyes stayed locked with each other, both trying to read the mind of the other.

''Okay now it's the turn of the love lost couple to bless the stage.'' Tarun Kajal jolted out with sudden announcement, before they could understand the couple was pushed to the centre of the room, their families encouraging them for a dance. Kajal glared at her mother for going all cupid on her.

''May I?'' Tarun asked, she looked at him shocked and angry. ''Its just a dance between two acquaintances. The day I bring you back I won't ask for the permission.'' He calmed her

Kajal's heart rejoiced for a second. Controlling her emotions, she gave her hand into him. They danced along the space winning whistles and applauds from the guests, ''None of them know our reality. They think we are in love'' She said with an artificial smile on her face.

He chuckled, ''Yes, we tend to believe our eyes more in passing a judgement. A minute before you too did the same when it came to the my cousin and her fiance.'' She blinked, that was indeed true.

"Its Okay Kajal, we are humans we are allowed to commit mistakes but not learning from them is a bigger one.'' She tried relaxing her. 

''Are you following some spiritual guru ?'' She asked her brows knitted together.

''No! I have enough mistakes on my plate to learn from.'' He replied all serious, halting his movements he bought their dance to end. The guests clapped and he led her back to their respective places. Rest of the evening he didn't crowd or followed her, he made sure she and her family was comfortable. On her way back Kajal stayed quite all along the drive, Tarun words about his mistakes were echoing his ears. Something other than their issue had happened, she wanted to ask but couldn't . She didn't have any right to question him on personal front.

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