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Tarun didn't know how and where to start. Though he had managed to buy time from Kajal, he didn't know how he would convince her to give up on the divorce. A deep sigh escaped his lips as he turned to his left on the bed. The empty space beside him made him cringe and he turned on his back, he had gotten used to waking up next to her. At times during the night he would find her half hanging out of the bed and would gently put her back to a comfortable position. His eyes turned to the side rack, he missed how she would turn the alarm off and wake him up herself. She never missed placing the newspaper next to him. Tarun sat up, she had become a habit. He couldn't forget her glassy eyes, he felt a deep sense of guilt gripping his heart for being the reason of her misery.

Tarun knew, he wouldn't be able to sleep so decided to invest his time in the project assigned. He had a large data to analyze and present the report with models. He started punching in the commands to filter and sort it in simpler form. How he wished if was that simple to apply filters and emit the mistakes that hurt the own. He punched in few more keys and stared at the report that flashed on the screen, it looked good, he decided to work on the models later.

'I am glad they realised who the real star is.' Praveen's taunting words came back to him. He was aware what people thought of him, a talent less guy who just managed to got lucky. He had never bothered to care of all the opinions, but coming from his friend was hurtful. He didn't blame Praveen either, he understood the lashing out was due to continuous rejection he received on personal and professional front. He recalled how his mother introduced him to Kajal for the first stating him to be just a financial analyst like all engineering graduate. Walking out to the balcony he stared at the darkness, the silence of the night made the hollowness of his life scream louder. He had to start somewhere and he decided to do it a professional front. This wasn't a fight to prove others wrong, it was time he proved himself right. He wanted to challenge himself. 


Kajal sat in the large board room among the members of India's largest business houses. She had done many projects with them in the past. She had never put he her foot down or argued about the rates. But Robin's one crude statement had changed the dynamics. She had tested the market waters and knew her worth. When Robin called her back, a part of her wanted to grab the opportunity  and work in peace. But then she recalled the Tarun's words, 'You once said you were the brand, then stop whining and put your foot down. If they want you, they will negotiate the terms.'   She recalled the conversation and smiled, now it was going just to be her terms. 

''Kajal, you worked exclusively for us before why not not now.'' The chairman asked

''Sir, I did and I enjoyed. But then I was being asked to leave as you guys had better designers, I decided to accept an assignment from another brand and they already have paid me the advance. Since I am a freelancer, they don't have issues me working with someone else.''

''But this project is prestigious and needs complete attention, we don't want you working with any competitors while working on it.'' Robin added

''Then hire someone else. I have given my word and I am not backing out.'' Kajal put her foot down. There were murmurers whispers in the room and then came Robin's soft voice, ''Would you mind waiting outside for few minutes.'' Kajal nodded and walked out without a glance.

She wasn't bothered about getting the assignment, she knew her worth. She had a habit of putting her heart and soul into whatever she did and now it was time she demanded respect from those who earned millions out of her work. 

After about 10 mins she was being requested to join the board members. Kajal took her seat without showing any traces of nervousness; the experienced men studied her for a minute. They knew she wasn't acting, the confidence she had was earned. The chairman looked at all the members and then moved his eyes to the young designer, ''Fine , but make sure the two designs don't mix. This collection should out do others in the market.''

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