Cleo's A Ninja...?!

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Alagretto's POV

We found Dimitri, luckily, and the only one that was left was the other Damien. Well, it wasn't hard to find him, because of his screaming. He was screaming about something psychic.....

"guys, hurry, get out of here...leave me, I can handle this guy, just get outta here, you can come back, after an explosion, I don't wanna lose you" Riza whispered, for she had woken up, momentary.

"No, we're all in this mess together. You told us that this wasn't a good Idea, now we're not going to abandon you, because this is an 'I-told-you-so' moment." I told her, while Cleo arranged shwiney object on the floor to burst down the wall. Strangely, her light powers were stronger than mine, and most of the others, except Aly. She was her own type, as like Riza, who did something I had no clue.

Then again, we all are are own type...

"Shwiney things" Cleo said, kneeling, as her shwiney things on the ground rised. She stood up, as the light followed her hand movements. she flung her right hand out in front of her, and the shwiney things hit the wall, creating a big hole in it.

"I-I can walk" Riza said, jumping down from my arms, as she barely caught herself on her shaky legs. Her mind was determined, so there was no stopping her now. Her fists, which were balled up showed her hatred to the man, who hand his hand raised, pinning Damien against the wall, choking him with an invisible force.

"LEAVE THE MORON ALONE!!" Cleo shouts, as the man lets him drop, and makes a sword out of air. Cleo goes charging at him, with Aly screaming, "ARE YOU MAD?!" and she runs up to him, trying to slap him, I think, but he through her over him with his other hand. She hit the wall opposite him.

Clink, clink

On the ground near him, is a small dagger, like the ones ninjas use, it was shwiney.

The dude's sword breaks into five pieces. He looks at Cleo, who had small daggers like that one in between her fingers, close to her knuckles, but one was missing.

Was Cleo really a ninja, and a good fighter, all this time?

"Nice move, little girl, but do you really think you can defeat me that easy?" Cleo knelled on the ground, arranging the shwiney things that she had, in a half circle in front of her, as they glew white. "Shwiney things" She yelled, as the light gathered around her, having a look of death on her face.

I heard Riza, who was standing in a corner of the room, farther away from all of us, reciting something, as one by one, we lost our powers again, as she said something about our element of control, she then glowed silver, and the whole place exploded again, killing the physic man. We just stood there, and weren't even harmed, as if a big shield was placed in front of us.

"I-I" Riza stammered, before falling to the ground, as I ran to her, catching her, as she blacked out.

"Miss. Shwiney, the thief-ninja, is there anything you can do?!" I yelled at Cleo, who was curring some of her own cuts from being smashed into a wall.

"Cleo can't do anything. Riza's just exhausted from overusing the power Riza has. Power takes energy to use. That's why Cleo 'borrows' her powers from shwiney things. Otherwise Cleo would be just as exhausted too. Doesn't Stripper feel exhausted after using power too? Cleo feels very exhausted if she has to use her energy to heal Cleo, or kill mad man. That's why Cleo uses Cleo's ninja techniques!!!!"

So, if power come from energy, is it possible to use up too much that you can die?

"Let's get outta here," I say to Aly, picking up Riza, as we walk out of the place I called 'Hell', going to the next town to get a public flight to wherever we could get fastest.

The S.T.F. Files, Book 1: S.T.F.Where stories live. Discover now