Chapter 1 : Introduction

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"Ok that's it for today guys, tomorrow we'll work on the new song. As always, new song, new choreo. You are all dismissed!" Vanessa exclaimed. (Vanessa Moe)

"Oh! Except for Y/N..." She smirked at me and eyed me like a piece of meat.

"Okay." I smiled back and headed her direction.

"Don't do the freaky here! And yes, I'm talkin' 'bout you two." Lauren Jauregui said while she squinted her eyes at us.

"Just get out Laur, this won't be long. Wait for me at the parking lot." I said while wiping the beads of sweat on my neck.

"No need, my mom's picking me up today. Bye!" She said while waving.

"So Y/N, let's talk abou- okay I'm gonna let you finish first." Vanessa ogled over my toned stomach since it was literally on display while I wiped off the sweat.

"My eyes are up here, Ness." I said while smirking.

"Er...w-what?" She stuttered. For a moment there, it was like all of the confidence in her body got drained.

"Nice view?" I asked.

She gulped audibly and regained her posture. "Who said I was looking at your stomach?"

We stared each other down before collapsing into a fit of laughter. "Vanessa, we both know that you will never give a shit about dicks." I said.

"Oh I know, I swing the other way buster. Plus your condition is just a bonus." She said as she winked that was accompanied with a smirk.

"Why the fuck am I friends with you?"

"Because you looooove meee." She dragged out while she gathered her stuff.

"Okay enough, let's talk about the new song. The school's about to close." Yes, this is practically a class. We get half the period for the dance club since this is what the school is known for. It's an art school. Art in different mediums.

"It's gonna be easy. They wanted a duo and song choice...cue the dramatic drumroll. Chivalry is Dead." She said before drinking from her bottle of water.

"Yours or mine?" I asked.


After locking up the room, I went home and of course went on my way to find some food.

"Lucas!" I called for my youngest older brother, if that even made sense. (Kim Taehyung)

No answer.

"Slick! Where are you!?" I called for him again and still got no response.

"Bro, where are yo-" I was cut off by the man himself and hugged me tightly.

"I am so tired." He dragged out while slowly slipping down on my body.

"Get up, Lucas! I'm tired too!" I struggled to get him off of me.

He just shook his head in response.

"For fuck's sake Lu-" I was cut off yet again but this time it was my sister.

"You know that there's no cursing in this household, Y/N."

I groaned. "Sorry, just get Lucas off of me please?"

"I just missed you sheesh, that's your way of welcoming me now?" He exclaimed then pouted why stomping out of the room.

"I don't really get why I'm still younger that you..." I told myself and ran up to him, giving him a koala hug as a ' welcome back home ' and at the same time ' I'm sorry hug '

"Forgive me?" I asked.

He huffed before answering me "Yes, only because I don't see this side of you very often." I was about to ask him to cook something for me until I realized that he's still holding me. Originally, he would ask me to get off because for some reason I was 'heavy'.

"Wait, how are you carrying me this long?" I asked him what I was debating with myself inside my head.

"I've started again cause why not? I was bored." He explained.

I just nodded in response and then eventually been put down by my brother. I was thinking of asking him to cook for me cause that was the original plan...fuck it.

I was about to open my mouth and ask him until my sister and my other brothers called us for dinner.

(Skip dinner)

I am currently playing call of duty with Lucas in my room. Today is Friday so I can stay up late.

Friday is literally the only free time we students have, it's like the only excuse to not do your homework that's due on Monday. I was so into the game until my brother decided to speak up.

"So Y/N...I know this is cliché and stuff but, how's school?" He asked with his eyes still affixed on the screen, glancing at me between words.

"I actually enjoy doesn't focus on the subjects you don't actually need. Like what would I do with math if I wanted to become a doctor. If I wanted to be an athlete then I shouldn't focus on History." I said with a hint of annoyance evident on my voice. It's basically the truth about school. Depriving students of their sleep just for numbers that can technically 'measure' how much you've learned and "It will help in the future.", as they say.

"Well...It's great that you're enjoying but we both know that, that wasn't what I was asking you for." He replied with a sly smirk on his face.

"Nobody yet...y'know I've got my eye on a certain someone. It's still-"

"Camila." We said at the same time.

"No offense but she's freaking oblivious! It's too damn obvious that you like her." He told me after killing the second to the last player in our game.

"I know but...okay. I think you deserve to know." I said as I placed my controller down and looked at my feet.

"There we go." He paused the game and turned to me. "Zayn told me something was odd about you and that you'd always arrive home with a weird aura around you." He said as he placed his hands on my shoulders, signalling for me to look at him.

"She already knows that I like her because I confessed a few days ago. She didn't react the way I wanted her to...react." I huffed before continuing. "Then she told me, and I quote: "If you're still going to push through this stupid thing, I have to let you know that I'll limit it." After she said that, I stiffed at what she was going to say..." I finished with a sniffle and a tear falling down my eye which I quickly wiped away.

"What was the limit?" He asked with concern in his voice.

"It was only..."

"'Till Graduation Day."

'Till Graduation Day (Camila/You)Where stories live. Discover now