Chapter 2 : Backstory

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Another day of school. I actually like school especially when I arrive there before all students. Class starts at 7:30, I glanced at the digital bedside clock and saw that it read 8:30 . Oh, I'm an hour late...Shit! I'm an hour late but I don't really sleep in unless it's...a weekend

"I got worked up for nothing." I mumbled to myself before smelling an alluring scent take over my nose.

Why can't I just love and marry food. Camila is basically foo- what the fuck? Why am I thinking like this.

I was pulled back into reality by my sister's nagging.

"Y/N you better get down here now before I pull you out myself!" She yelled from downstairs.

"Tori! Shut the -eff up!" My oldest brother, Zayn, fired back.

"No cursing in this household!" She said, well,  more like yelled.

"I didn't curse!" He left it at that and I heard a faint 'm*therf*ckerfrom my brother.

I just listened to her and went downstairs for breakfast.

"Hey Tori." I said with a sleepy smile while trying to cling onto her.

"Good Morning to you too, Y/N!" She replied while she pushed me back with her pointer finger against my forehead.

I rubbed my forehead before asking her. "What are you cooking?"

"Breakfast, now sit your butt down before I make you." She fired back.

"Woah there, can you atleast tone down the sass, Sis?" Lucas said as he entered the room while rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"Why in the world are you still cute even if you're like a 20 year old?" I asked him.

"How am I supposed to answer that, Y/N? Ask Mom." He replied. I stared at him as he let everything he said process in his brain.

"Shoot, I'm sorry! I was still kinda sleepy, It just slipped out." He reassured us while walking towards me.

"Forget it, it's in the past." I waved it off.

"Hey Mom, why is Lucas still cute as a 20-year old?" I looked up to make it look like I was actually talking to her.

The both of my siblings looked at me lovingly and continued on with what they were doing. Maybe I owe you guys an explanation then, huh? So basically I was...sort of an accident. My Mom wanted another girl because I guess Tori was getting lonely but my father didn't. She kept on bugging him to either do it or they adopt.

My father gave in and did it and eventually accepted that he was gonna have another child. We were another average family that can support their wants and needs. Everything was fine and everyone was living peacefully...until I arrived.

I was born intersex, no one except my family and close friends know that. My Mom, siblings, and close friends were okay with that, except my father. He thought I was a freak and that he's: "ashamed to have formed an obnoxious 'creature' with his sperm" and that they should give me up for adoption. My mom disagreed and fought for me. Let me just say that when I was old enough, we all were abused, me the most.

He would go home drunk and just blame everything on me. At that time, he lost his job, we had financial problems, and Shawn always got sick. He said I was bad luck and I believed that. I was depressed to say the least, and you all know how that is. He would also beat up Mom because she'd always stand up for me.

After a few more years of living that way, my Mom finally had enough. We went to my Aunt's house and stayed there until we could support ourselves.

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