Chapter 16 : Field Trip (2/5)

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"Welcome, students of Miami High!" Someone holding a microphone shouted.

"Are you guys ready to experience the field trip of a life time?!" He shouted again.

A chorus of 'yeah's and 'sure, whatever's were heard.

"Not only that, are you guys ready to conquer your...fears?" He then maniacly laughed. That seemed to catch the class' attention.

"What do I mean? Remember the slip your science teacher gave ya? There ya go, that'll explain everything."

Oh shit


"Class! I will pass slips of paper to you then please write your fears or phobias. There are no limits and don't hide anything. Please get one and pass." Mr. Riós said.

"Why do I get the feeling that this is something bad?" Lauren told me, which is kinda true. This is giving me bad vibes.

"I don't know, but I get that feeling too." Ethan told us but kept writing.

"What are your fears?" Camila asked.

"Stop playing, you already know mine." I winked at her and she quickly looked away and continued writing.

"Mine are clowns and jellyfish." Hailee showed me her slip that had a small drawing of a jellyfish.

"I didn't draw a clown's face cause I don't know what it looks like, considering I'm already running away if there's a clown in sight." She laughed it off and put down her slip and pen.

"How 'bout you Olivia?" She looked up at me and shyly showed me her slip.

"You're scared of haunted houses? Wow, you seldomly get shy about something." I chuckled.

"Yeah? So what? I'm still human, so I can be shy whenever I want." I raised both my hands as a sign of surrender.

To sum it up and a little bit of an update.
Ethan: heights and butterflies
Francis: small spaces
Ford: waterfalls
Ellie: sharp objects and blood
Olivia: haunted houses and ghosts
Hailee: insects, especially grasshoppers
Lauren: gramatically incorrect people
Dinah: heights
Normani: public restrooms
Ally: frogs, spiders, heights, and trampolines
Camila: oceans, being left alone in an empty room, and someone leaving them in general
Y/N: spiders, crocodiles, and heights

End of Flashback**

"That's not fair!" Olivia exclaimed and put her feet up on a chair in front of her which was vacant.

"Oh, it's fairly fair my dear. You should've listened to Mr. Riós huh? Too bad." He smirked and pulled a lever to reveal a big wheel with all of our fears displayed on it.

"So, I believe you already understand the point of this field trip...but, you may ask: "Sir, what's the point of conquering our fears?" or "Isn't this going to trigger our fears more?". The main reason why we did this was to make you stronger. Think of this as a big hill and in order to climb over it is to conquer your fears. Simple enough?" He asked and looked around the lobby to find that everybody was frozen in place.

"Okay...let's get started!" He spun the wheel and it landed on...


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