Chapter 12 : First Date

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"Y/N, can you sing?" She asked me as we ate.

"Uhmm...sorta. Why'd you ask?"

"I keep imagining you singing and it looks...cute." She shared her thoughts with me.

"If I had a guitar, I would show yo-"

"Mister, can we borrow your guitar for a second?" She asked the man sitting on a bench close to us and he obliged to her request.

"There, now you have to sing." She demanded.

"Damn, why so demanding?" I asked while checking if the guitar is tuned right.

"Because I wanna know so bad, so would you please hurry up?"

"Okay, okay. Here goes nothing."

I began strumming to the song that reminds me of her and what my future with her might lead to.

"Not sure if you know this, but when we first met.
I got so nervous, I couldn't speak.
In that very moment, I found the one and
My life had found it's missing piece." I dragged the last part.

"So as long as I live, I'll love you.
Will have and hold you.
You look so beautiful in white...
And from now till my very last breath.
This day I'll cherish.
You look so beautiful in white...tonight." I finished then glanced at Camila who was covering her mouth with teary eyes.

"What we have is timeless
My love is endless
And with this ring I say to the world
You're my every reason
You're all that I believe in
With all my heart I mean every word." I dragged it again and started to sing the chorus again.

"So as long as I live, I'll love you.
Will have and hold you.
You look so beautiful in white...
And from now till my very last breath.
This day I'll cherish.
You look so beautiful in white...tonight."

"Well?" I wearily asked.

She just sniffled and of course, by natural instincts, I hugged her. I don't like it when girls cry.

"I know I suck at singing but I didn't know that you'd cry." I chuckled nervously because I seriously don't know why she's crying.

"Does that song remind you of something? Or maybe someone?" She asked as she turned in front of me and wrapped my arms around her making us cuddle each other.

" reminds me of you." I admitted against her head.

"But that song had something to do with marriage."

"Okay, since you already caught me. I kinda imagine you and me in scenarios I'd die to live in and being married to you is one of them." I told her and added. "Plus, I might make it a dream a come true if you'd let me." I teased while wiggling my eyebrows, scoring a giggle to escape the brunette's mouth.

"I can help you with that."

"Oh yeah?" I challenged.

"Yeah." She giggled. That gosh darn giggle.

I returned the guitar to the man sitting in the bench and of course thanked him then we just sat there looking at a couple playing with their child.

I'd be lying if I didn't say I was falling for this girl but I am, I'm falling and hopefully she'll catch me.

"Hey Camzie." I called for her.

She just hummed in response so I continued.

"Since our graduation day is coming up, can I...invite you guys on something? No charges." I told her and she faced me.

"What do you mean?" She asked as she played with my fingers.

"My siblings are inviting you guys on a cruise and since finding a university for college was already taken care of our departments so what better way to spend the whole summer vacation on a cruise?"

"But cruise ships are expensive. Wouldn't that be too much? And you're planning to bring the whole gang, that's 12 more people to pay for."

"What? No, it's free." I said and she just looked at me like I was crazy.

"Money can't bribe you into a very expensive cruise ship." She told me and that's when reality hit me.

"Oh, wait. So you don't know?" I asked her and she shook her head no.

"We own the largest and most successful cruise lines? Along side Cadwell Airlines? Does any of that ring a bell?" I asked her once again and got a reaction. She gasped with wide eyes and questioned me.

"Holy sh- Really?" She questioned me which I thought was ridiculous because c'mon...Cadwell airlines? It's like right out in the open.

"Isn't it obvious?" I asked and she once again shook her head no.

"Okay, nevermind. So what d'ya say?" I asked, hopeful for a positive answer.

"Yes! This is only a once in a lifetime opportunity so why not take it?" She commented and hugged my arms tighter.

"Nu-uh babe. Now that you're mine, we're gonna travel the world until you beg for me to stop travelling. Imma give you the world, literally." I chuckled as I thought of Camila laughing and smiling because of me.

"Then I'm glad that I'm yours and you are mine."

"Likewise." I replied then I started singing again.

"You so fuckin' precious when you smile." I also did the echo part which made Camila laugh.

"Hit it from the back and drive you wild." Once again, the echo and I added a wiggle to my eyebrows. She then slapped me playfully.

"Girl, I lose myself up in those ah-ah-ah-ah eyes." She just listened to me this time and leaned into me more.

"I just had to let you know your mine." I finished singing because I don't want the rain to ruin this moment.

"It won't rain, Y/N. Your voice is actually one of those breezy and husky ones. Like the ones that work on a number of genres of music. You could've easily got in the Singing Department." She praised me and I can't help but smile and say thank you.

"I could but I like dancing more and to be honest, I don't like singing in front of people but I like the idea of it." I told her and she just nodded.

"You're weird. You know that?" She asked me.

"I know, I get that a lot. It's like one of the hallmarks of my personality." I told her which is true.

"Ooookay." She nodded then we resumed to our comfortable silence.

"Oh, I almost forgot." I broke the silence so that I can give her another announcement.

"Wear something comfortable tomorrow. The whole gang'll be there, bring extra clothes, a shit load of water but it's okay if you don't wanna because there's water there and maybe bandaids...just in case." I blurted out.

"Where are we going tomorrow?" She asked and of course I told her because of not, she'll just bug me to tell her for the rest of the day until I eventually break.

"To a trampoline park."

'Till Graduation Day (Camila/You)Where stories live. Discover now