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This chapter might be boring for the first bits of it idk and like there is a lot of talking going on so. But it gets better i think (i'm lying. it doesn't). i also change the spelling of finley (from finely) ok. i'm also going to stop doing author's notes before the chapter, well, i'm going to try and keep them to a minimum. Also um, i kinda like the grammar mistakes in this idk. makes me comfortable. anyways i'm done now. bye.

ps: there is a tfios spoiler in there so if you haven't read the book (who the fuck am i kidding. you've all read it) i'm not sorry.

pps: I'm honestly too lazy to edit this so ignore the like mistakes okay. like i said, sometimes i do it purposely.


"How in the world did you get the numbers of two hot boys that went to Riki's on a Thursday? No one under the age of fifty goes in there on a Thursday, besides the workers and, occasionally, the stupid jocks," Audette said. And she said some other things earlier but I didn't pay attention.

"She's right. How did that even happen?" Signe interjected.

These are the times where I wish I didn't have friends or roommates and I could just live meeting Asher Beckett (Beckett is his last name. I learned that last night when he handed me my phone back with his first and last name with the little two pink heart emojis and his number) alone without anyone questioning me.

"They booked a table for his birthday, and I guess he found me attractive and wanted my number? I don't know. I'm still confused about the events of last night." I was rambling on and on. "We had this normal conversation. It was like we knew each other for years but really we didn't. And it was weird. Good weird, though"

Audette then asked about the thing I wasn't planning on doing at all. "Are you going to call one?"

"No, I can't."

"You can but you just don't want to." Signe needs to shut her smart-ass mouth.

"Give me your phone and I'll call him for you." Audette reached her hand out trying to grab my iPhone and I held it like it was my first born child and some psycho bitch wanted him (or her. not sure what gender my iPhone is) from me.

"You will not."

"Yes I will. Signe, grab the phone."

And thus the tackling and the battle over who got my phone. After twenty minutes, though, I lost. Audette with my phone in her hands, smiled ever so proudly.


I watched her go into my contacts and click Asher's name. I wish Signe wasn't holding both my hands back right now because I would snatch that phone and speed off and lock myself in the bathroom for hours until they gave up this little game of 'get Finley a date with a hot boy."

"Oh my god, it's ringing!" Audette squealed with excitement. I wanted to smack her.

Her eyes went huge within seconds and she put the phone on speaker, doing this little hand thing with her free hand. And that's when I heard the voice, "Hello?"

"Say something!" She whisper shouted. Signe let go of my hands, giving me the opportunity to grab my phone back. I gave them both menacing looks before turning my attention back to my phone and Asher.

"Hi, it's Finley. And I believe you made me promise to call or text you." I spoke into the receiver. My friend's eyes were glued strictly on me and the phone that was in my hand.

"Ah, yes. My restaurant girl."

The two girls on the couch were awing a bit loudly and I was quite puzzled that Asher didn't hear them.

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