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a/n: I tried to make this so cute but i failed oh god. And like the beginning of this chapter is going to suck. I'm sorry. anyways ilysm.


"I can't do this," he said.

"What do you mean? This was your idea." I said, wobbling my way over to the ice.

I agreed to Asher's request after he had, well, you know. But, now that we were here, he was the one refusing to get on the ice.

"I- I don't know how. I thought you would like it because I saw those pictures of you in your room. And you were in figure skates. I also saw the skates you're wearing now, in your closet too."

I was sorta laughing at him and the way he rushed his words. He was nervous and it was really cute. But we were out here and it was his idea, so, we were going to get on that ice whether he liked it or not.

I stood up and grabbed his hands to pull him up right. "You are going to get on that ice now, mister." I said, trying not to laugh at the fact I just called him mister. I wasn't going to let him back out of his own idea.

"Don't make me go on there, please." he was begging again but this time, i wasn't going to give in so easily.

"No. Stop being a bitch," I said. The words surprised us both when they came out of my mouth.

"I'm going to get hurt badly, and you're going to have to care for me. I hope you understand this."

I rolled my eyes, "you're being a baby. And besides, you suggested it."

"I'm regretting it."



"Please." I gave him the same look he used on me to get me to cave in.

I didn't even want to come ice skating in the first place but now that I'm here, the eight year old figure skater I once was, wants out again. But Asher was being a little bitch.

"So, you can kiss me, quite boldly may I say. But you won't get on the ice."

"Yes, but kissing you was easier because I told you I was going to do it -wait, that's. Fuck me."

"Get on the ice and maybe I will."

I needed to shut up. Or put a lock on my mouth because everything that's coming out of it is bold and not things I would say to someone who I barely know.



I dragged him onto the ice and he almost fell. And I laughed a bit harder than the average person would when someone his age is afraid to get on ice.

"Jesus, Finn, hold my hand." he was holding onto the railing like the little girls that were first starting out. It was a grand sight to see if I'm honest.

I shook my head no. I was having too much fun watching him try to catch up to me. I'm not gonna let him struggle for too long though. He can struggle for five minutes, while I get my phone out and take multiple photos.

When he heard the snap of my phone's camera go off, he flipped me off and I laughed even harder. "Finn, I hate you so much."

I put my phone away. (after, like, twelve more pictures) And grabbed both of his hands, finally. "It's sort of like when were eight and your parents had hard wood floors and you'd have socks on and you would glide across the floors. Except now it's the real stuff."

"Jesus, it's been like twelve years since I've done that." he told me.

"You'll get used to it. You can keep holding my hands if you want to."

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