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a/n: swag swag i'm like not good @ updating. but like SMUT SMUT SMUT (swear to god if someone complains. YOUVE BEEN WARNED. i mean i tried to like not go into detail for your sake.) ALSO THIS ISNT EDITED

anyways this is in third person yup.

dear god, pls forgive me for writing this.


"And I mean, we agreed that it was a mutual breakup, but I really liked him Finn," Signe cried onto the shoulder of Finley.

Finley, who sat comfortably on Asher's lap, was really, really confused. Signe's never been one to cry over boys. (Well, a boy. Michael was her only serious boyfriend).

"Why did you guys, quote unquote, breakup?" Finley asked.

"He said that he thinks he has feelings for someone else, and so I said, "well, I mean, like if you do then you shouldn't be holding me back." Or something like that. And then he said, "I know, but I also really like you. I just don't love you anymore." And oh god, Finn, hearing those words broke my heart," Signe cried some more, removing her head from Finn's shoulders to grab her (Michael's) handkerchief that was in her back pocket.

Finley shifted in Asher's lap, causing him to let out a groan in the crook of her neck.

"Please stop moving," he silently begged.

"Shit, sorry," she whispered back.

The two hadn't noticed a very sad Signe had joined them back on the bed, until she let out a really loud sigh.

Finley, regretfully, shifted on Asher's lap once again so she could fully face Signe.

"Listen, what you and Michael had was great, yeah? But somewhere in this world- well, city actually. A boy is waiting for you to hop on him. You know what I'm saying?" she said.

"Yeah, I guess," Signe sighed, "Thanks, babe, you're a lot of help."

Before Signe exited the room she turned and said, "Asher, I'm sorry for interrupting, and I hope you sort the situation going on, out." And with a wink, she left.

"Fuck," Asher groaned when the door finally clicked shut.

He fell back against Finn's mattress, watching Finn get up to only straddle him seconds later. He couldn't help but grin at her. She was a very beautiful person, and if he knew how to put it poetically, he would tell her. Then he'd kiss her really hard, and tell her that his heart belonged to her, and only hers.

But looking at Finn could only distract Asher from the situation that was still going on below his belt. As much as he was enjoying the view of Finley on top, he really did need her to get off so he could sort himself out.

Finley was no better either. She had noticed Asher's unsituated-situation, and she really did want to take care of it. (Cause, well, it's a nice thing to do right?) But she didn't want to ask him about. And she most definitely was not going to bring it up.

So neither of them said anything for awhile. Asher just looked at Finley whilst she traced little patterns on his bare chest.

But it was Asher, who had grown increasingly uncomfortable in his pants, that said something first.

"I'm going to like, need you to just like, get off me- not that I'm not comfortable but like I need to li-"

"I can like, well- you know. If you want," Finn interrupted him.

Asher's eyes widened with shock. "You want to suck my dick?"

"No, not if you say it like that," Finley blushed.

"Okay, forget I said anything. But like, are you sure?"

Instead of her answering, Finley kissed Asher. He kissed her back, his right hand on her neck bringing her closer, his right hand on her hips that were making slow movements. She pulled her lips away from his, to leave kisses along his jawline and the crook of his neck. Asher's breathing was becoming deeper, as Finley made her way down.

Finley pulled down the hem of his boxers. As she pulled it over, a whimper left Asher's lips. Finley tried to remember every drunken blowjob she'd ever given, and everything she read from 'Fifty Shades of Grey' and One Direction fanfictions, as she planted a kiss to Asher's tip.

"Oh my- fucking christ," Asher groaned, as Finley took him in her mouth. He rested his hand on Finley's head, tugging ever so lightly.

His hips bucked, making Finley gag. "Sorry Fi- fuck," he gasped.

Finley hallowed her cheeks, taking more of Asher in. As much as Asher tried to suppress his groans and moans that had become really loud, because Finley's roommates where probably in the next room or something, he couldn't. Asher knew he wouldn't last much longer if Finley kept using her other hand to do what she was doing.

(a/n: i aint finna tell y'all what she was doing cause i already feel dirty af).

"Finley, babe- fuck. I need you- holy shit," Asher never finished what he was going, as he released inside Finley's mouth.

Finley swallowed, before sitting down next to Asher. His eyes were opened, and staring at Finley.

"Give a girl some warning next time, yeah?" she smiled.

"Oh my god, I think I'm in love with you," Asher said.

"You only love me because I sucked your dick," she playfully hit him.

Asher pulled his boxers up, then sat down by Finley on the bed. He went in to kiss Finley, but she put her hand up to cover her lips.

"Um, no. I just sucked your dick, and swallowed. You're not allowed to kiss me until I brush my teeth," she said.

a/n: God that was shit. I WENT TO CHURCH TODAY GUYS OMG.

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