Silence Punishment

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+Edd's House: Bathroom+

Tom sat in the bathtub, staring at the still water he sat in. A few red flower petals innocently floated before him.

He hums a quite tune to calm himself as he lifts his hand out from under the water disturbing its still state with ripples. One petal resting in the palm of his hand.

"You just had to disturb me during my bath, didn't you?" He asks quietly to no one in particular.

The alcoholic sighs as he think he's had enough of getting freshened up for the day. He stands up and gets out of the bath, pulling his towel off the hanger he set on earlier.

Knock knock

"Tom? Are you almost done?"

"Give me a moment Matt, I'm getting dressed."

"Okay, I need time to fix up my beautiful face." The ginger tells him happily before bringing the silence back.

Tom quickly dried himself off and threw his usual clothes on. Black jeans, grey asdf shirt, and his favorite blue hoodie. Then he picks out the red petals from the drained tub and flushed them down the toilet. He opens the door to find a sleepy looking Matt who smiles when he comes out of the bathroom.


"Yes Matt, I'm done. The bathroom's all yours." Tom smiles a bit while the taller man rushes into the bathroom to fix himself up for the day as well.

He drops his small smile as he proceeds to go down stairs to get some toast to eat from the kitchen, the going to watch some tv in the living room. Tom can only hope to not bump into a certain annoying Norwegian man for many reasons.

However, luck does not seem to be on his side today. Tom had made his way to the kitchen doorway to find said man with his arms around his best friend's waist in a hug. Edd is cooking some bacon on over the stove while Tord is whispering something in the brunet's ear making him chuckle and blush.

Tom rolls his eyes, not that anyone could see the action clearly due to his special eyes. "It's too early for public affection Commie."

Tord looks back to him and narrows his eyes in a glare. "Fuck off Witness."

Edd gently pats Tord's head with his free hand while the other one deals with the bacon on the pan. "Tord, it's too early in the day to be fighting with Tom." The man chuckles, "I wish you two would just get along already."

"As if," Tom quietly mumbles to himself. He walks into the kitchen, grabbing a piece of toast to eat in the living room.

"Don't you want some bacon or cereal Tom?" Edd asks as he takes his eyes off the bacon on the pan for a moment.

Not looking back Tom replies, "It's fine Edd. Toast will suit me for now." He leaves the kitchen, again hearing his enemy whispering loving things to Edd. The response from his green wearing friend are happy laughter and positive answers.

He takes a seat on the couch and stuffs the rest of his one piece breakfast in his mouth and swallows. Nothing says breakfast than a piece of bread. Tom sighs and turns the Tv on to distract himself for the sweet laughter going on in the kitchen.

He snuggles himself in the comfy cushions of the couch as he watches a random channel with half lidded eyes. A tickling in his throat makes him bring his hand up to cover his mouth.

A quiet cough escaping his throat.

Tom brings his hand back and looks at a new colored petal. Yellow, from a tulip.

He stuffs the petal into the pocket of his hoodie next to his flask.

The alcoholic closes his eyes and lets sleep take him again after he mumbles a single word.

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