See you Later

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~+Memory: Back track+~

Matt watched Tom cover his mouth for a moment, muffling a quiet cough.

He didn't want to believe it at first, but the evidence laid in the palm of his friend's hand. A single yellow petal rests on Tom's palm held out towards him.

A quiet gasp escaping his lips.

"Now will you let me go?"

Tom looks sadden and nervous, something no one in this house had seen before. Oh how Matt wished this reality wasn't so.


"Matt, please." The man in the blue hoodie pleads like he's begging for his life.

"I..." Matt started, yet unsure. He wanted Tom to stay and not leave them. They're all friends and it would hurt the others to see him go. But for Tom's sake, "Alright Tom... Your secret is safe with me."

"Thank you Matt."

~End Of Memory~


The ginger snapped out of his thoughts when Edd called him. He looks at the brunet along with Tord next to him. "What?"

The three of them are seated in the living room to discuss of Tom's idea to move into an apartment. Matt sitting on the armchair while Edd and Tord share the couch. The Tv quietly playing Doctor Why in the background. Tom's out of the house buying some Smirnoff again.

Edd sighs as he leans back on his seat on the couch. "Matt, can you please tell us why Tom's leaving?" He was really hoping Matt would provide them with the answers they need to fill their worried mind.

Matt fiddles with his fingers and looks down to the carpet. "Edd I can't tell you." He doesn't want to betray his friend's trust. "I promised Tom I wouldn't tell you guys why."

The couple already confronted Matt about the topic many times before when all three of them were alone. Always when Tom was out of the house for the sake of not bringing the topic to him quite yet, but he always said the same thing. He promised not to tell.

"You're the only one who know's why the Jehovah's Witness leaving. You have to tell us, Edd can talk this out with Tom so he can talk him into staying." Tord, to Matt's view, had been a little more quiet than usual about the topic of Tom leaving. He suspected he would be the first to cheer Tom leaving, however, this is not the case.

It just seemed to have the opposite effect.

"I really can't..."

Red petal

"I promised Tom..."

Broken heart

Matt stood up from his seat quickly startling his friends. He can't just stay here and answer their questions. This is important to Tom and also to himself since he wants his friend to get better by moving on from whoever he has a one sided crush is on.

"No matter what, I can't speak a word about this with you two. I have no say into Tom leaving this household." He firmly walks to the stairs so he could go spend time in his room to think. Matt stops at the foot of the stairs.

"If you want to know, ask him yourself."

With those words, Matt left up the stairs. The sound of his bedroom door opening and closing telling them their conversation is over.

Edd laid his head against Tord's shoulder with a sad sigh. "I want to help Tom out, but I don't know what I'm suppose to do."


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